William Stone

Deed Book N, Page 70, 25 November 1834
Recorded 26 February 1838 at Alexandria

Commissioners appointed to make to Jonathan Carmack a deed for a tract of land sold by William Stone in his lifetime to John Raredon and Jacob Light by obligation in writing subsequently divided between said John Raredon and Jacob Light by articles of agreement in writing and the part thereof belonging to said John Raredon afterwards by obligation in writing sold to Jonathan Carmack; and the Commissioners by order are directed to convey Jonathan all right and estate of Pernal, Mary and Margaretta Bishop, William, Hiram, Dudley, Damariel, Asa, Creeth, James, Ann, John and Micajah Stone and Francis and Jeremiah Buckley, Mary Wayman and Ann and John Holley, Jesse Stone, Margaret Tilton, Jane and Samuel Buckley, David, Elijah J., Annetta and Sarah Stout legal heirs of William Stone deceased of in and to that part of the said tract of land as aforesaid sold to Jonathan.

Deed made 25 November 1834. (no acreage mentioned)

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