William Stoll

Kentucky Post, Sunday, 27 September 1925, page 8

Two old timers of Bellevue "talking things over." At the left is William Stoll, 83, Civil War veteran and at the right is A H Nagel, 69. Its always fair weather when good fellows get together. Rain or shine "Old Bill" never fails to stop in for a chat when he happens in the neighborhood of 217 Fairfield av. Bellevue.

Stoll who is now 83 years old, fought three years of the Civil War. He served in a cavalry unit of the Union army. Nagel and Stoll both came to Bellevue from Cincinnati in 1873. Stoll engaged in the book binding business. He remained in that trade until turning his shop over to his son, William C Stoll, 25 years later.

When the Home Savings, Loan and Building Association was formed in 1889, Stoll was one of the charter members. Shortly after, he was elected vice president of the Association and held that office until being elected seven years ago.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 December 1925, page 1

William C Stoll, 83 of 338 Division st. Bellevue, widely known in northern Kentucky and Cincinnati business and fraternal circles was dead Monday. He died late Saturday following a stroke of apoplexy He is survived b a daughter, Miss Catherine Stoll, with whom he lived and a son William C Stoll Jr. of Los Angeles California.

Stoll, altho a native of Cincinnati was one of the "old Timers" of Bellevue. He came to the Kentucky city in 1873. He conducted a book binding establishment in Cincinnati until his retirement several years ago. Stoll was a Civil War veteran. He was a member of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry and served during three years of the conflict. When the Home Savings Loand & Building Association of Bellevue, was organized in 1889 Stoll became a charter member and was elected its first vice president. He served in that office until ten years ago when he was elected president, which office he held at the time of his death.

Stoll was a member of Newport Lodge of Elks and Henry Barnes Lodge of Masons and was a charter member of the Bellevue Lutheran Church. The Elks Lodge will hold special services for Stoll Monday night. Members will meet in the lodge rooms at 8 pm and proceed to the residence in a body.

Funeral service for the aged veteran will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 pm. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


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