William Albert Stanger

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 August 1929, page 2

Seven northern Kentucky boys are registered in the current period at Ft Scott Camp for Boys, New Baltimore O. They are; Robert Stueve and Leo Broering, Newport; William Stanger, Ft Thomas (son of Frederick)


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 April 1941, page 7

Seventy-one selectees from three northern Kentucky draft boards have been ordered to report for induction at Ft Thomas April 17. Those ordered to report to Board 22 are William Albert Stanger.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 September 1942, page 2

The marriage of Miss Mary Evelyn Mulvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T J Mulvey, of Rosedale and Staff Sergeant William A Stanger, son of Major and Mrs. Frederick Stanger, of Sterling avenue, Ft Thomas, took place Saturday morning during the celebration of a Nuptial Mass at the Sacred Heart Church in New Orleans. The couple will reside in that city.


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