William Skaggs

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 February 1910, page 5

Declaring he would end his life when the 8 o'clock hour arrived last night, William Skaggs, an ironworker, residing at 15 Thirteenth st. Newport, made a desperate effort to carry out his threat. He did not succeed in drawing out his threat. He did succeed in drawing a razor across his throat, but the wound was not fatal and Skaggs was taken to Speers Hospital, where he will recover.

The fact that Skaggs did not succeed in his purpose is due to the courage of Mrs. John Mayer, a neighbor who happened to call at the Skaggs home to see Mrs. Skaggs. Mrs. Mayer heard Skaggs making threats to end his life and when she saw him seize a razor, she grabbed him by the arm and kept up the struggle until Charles Kiefer was called in. Before the razor could be wrested from the man's hand, however, he succeeded in drawing the keen blade across his neck.


Report to Newport Citizens Index