William R Schulte


Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 July 1942, page 9

Following is a letter received from William R Schulte, U.S. Army Air Force, Oxnard, Cal. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schule, Orchard street, Southgate.

"Dear Friends: I received your box of candy today and I wish to thank you very much. The candy was good and it made a big hit with my roommates too. It makes one feel good to know that the people of Southgate are remembering their citizens who are in the armed forces. But that is typical of the people in Southgate, and it makes one rather proud to belong to such a fine community. I think this type of organzation is very helpful to the morale of the boys in service.

Everywhere I have gone out here the people have been wonderful to me. Here at Mira Loma it is strict and hard work if one is to attain ones goal. So far I have been progressing fine in my training and I hope to make good. Thanking you again, I remain, William R Schulte."


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 August 1944, page 3

Capt. William R Schulte, formerly of 14 Orchard street, Southgate, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross at a recent review at a Ninth Air Force Bomber Base, European theater of war operations.

A veteran of more than 23 missions, Capt. Schulte is the leader of a B-26 Marauder group. He received the award for leading this formation on a bombing run after one engine in his plane had been shot out of commission by enemy anit-craft fire.


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