William M Newton

Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 June 1905, page 1

William M Newton, a Newport letter carrier, is missing and his departure has brought to light the fact he has been living a dual existence in a marital way. Newton tendered his resignation as a member of the Newport Post office force previous to his going away. Where he has gone or what his future intentions are, can only be surmised, but his friends are of the opinion that he has gone from Newport permanently and it is not expected that Mineral Wells, Tex. is his destination.

Newton is said to have two wives, one in Newport and one in Mineral Springs, a fact brought out by the filing of a divorce suit by Nina Newton at the latter named place. Newton received word from there several days ago that he had been made defendant in the suit mentioned. Mrs. Newton in her petition, alleges they were married at that place Dec 10, 1904 and that he abandoned her in February of this year. This coupled with the fact Newton has a wife living with her mother, Mrs. Riemeyer, at 2444 Vine st. Cincinnati and whom he is suing for divorce is what caused his resignation and sudden departure.

On Aug 19, 1904, Newton sued Lillian E Newton for divorce, charging her with desertion. The wife retained Attorney Raison of Newport, who filed an answer and cross petition, alleging instead of leaving him, he drove her away. This divorce suit is still pending in the Campbell Circuit Court, Newport, and a rule was issued against the letter carrier March 31 to compel him to pay alimony. On April 6 last he was ordered to pay $5 per week to his wife.


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