William H Lape

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,
1887, Campbell Co.

William H Lape was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 18th day of December, 1820.  His father, Jacob Lape, was born in Lebanon, Penn., December 12, 1796, and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1818; was by trade a tobacconist, politically a Jacksonian Democrat; he died of that dread disease, cholera, on the 24th day of July, 1833. 

His mother, Catherine Hacker, was born in Germany on the 7th day of February, 1793.  Her parents immigrated to this county in the year 1799, landing in New York City, where her parents remained until 1814.  They left New York, and went to Pittsburgh by wagon, thence by flat boat down the Ohio River, and landed at Cincinnati in the year 1815.  The result of the union of Jacob and Catherine was four children. 

William H. was educated, what little he received, in the public schools of Cincinnati, Ohio.  At the age of fourteen years, seeing provision had to be made for the support and education of his three sisters, he concluded to apprentice himself to John G. Woodin, to learn tin, copper, sheet iron and stove business, doing steamboat work only.  The bargain was, board and $40 per year, for clothes.  He served faithfully for five years. 

In the year 1847 he married Miss Martha Ann Taylor, of Cincinnati, Ohio.  In 1850 he removed to Newport, Ky., where he now resides.  He continued at his trade for thirty-five years, in the same house where he started when a boy, carrying on the business for himself for eighteen years very successfully.  The marriage union has blessed them with four children, viz: Edward W., William R., Carrie L. and Sallie C.

 William H. and his wife, Martha., were stanch members of the Christian Church.  Mrs. Lape died August 10, 1884.


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