Officer William Kinsella


Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 July 1887, page 2


The Young Men's Social Club will picnic at Parlor Grove July 28th.  The Committees on Arrangements are W Kinsella.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 August 1894, page 6


Chief of Police Stricker made the following changes in his force which took effect last night; First Ward, Strahm and Finneran; Second Ward, Venard and Clinkenbeard; Third Ward, Rentz and Hallam; Fourth Ward, Pille and Paul Flynn; Fifth Ward, Kinsella and Craig; Sixth Ward, Hildebrandt and Brigel.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 6 September 1895, page 6


The members of the Police Department have adopted several novel methods to dispose of tickets for the police and firemen's outing at the Lagoon the 26th inst. Advertising posters, on which advertising space is given according to the number of tickets purchased, is one scheme that Officers Schwartz and Kinsella are pushing for all they are worth.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 December 1895, page 6


Night patrolman William Kinsella yesterday tendered his resignation to Chief Stricker.  Kinsella has secured employment at his trade of machinist and will take no chances of losing his police position under the incoming administration.

Will Corbin, first substitute, will in all probability be promoted to the force of regulars and Dan Moran given the place vacated by Corbin.  The Commissioners will then elect a new substitute.  There are plenty of applicants, among others being ex-officer Yank Livingston and ex-fireman James Redmond.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 12 April 1900, page 8


Ex-policeman William Kinsella died yesterday morning at his home 1125 Isabella street, of lung trouble. Kinsella was a member of the Newport Police Department under Mayor Brown. He also belonged to the Madison Club. He was about 35 years of age and very popular. A widow and four children survive him.


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