William J Grapes

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 October 1905, page 5

The funeral of William Grapes, Newport's oldest musician and bandmaster, took place this morning from the home, 821 Park av. Grapes was 77 years of age and was one of the best know band musicians in this locality. He was for 23 years a bandmaster in the United States Army and was honorably discharged from service four times. He was a member of many societies and lodges and President of the Kenton and Campbell Musicians Union.

The music at his obsequies today was furnished by the Musicians Protective Association of which Grapes was a member. The following orders, lodges and societies were represented at the funeral: Cincinnati Musicians Protective Association, I O O F Knights of Pythias, German Pioneers, Regular Army and Navy Union, Newport Turners, GAR and Patriarchs Militant. The remains were taken to Evergreen Cemetery for interment.


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