William Fitzer

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 January 1903, page 5

CASES CONTINUED-The cases of Harry Clemmens, Edward and William Fitzer, the principals of the street fight which took place Wednesday with Patrolman William Cottingham, were continued by Police Judge Moore, of Newport until Feb 4.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 July 1903, page 5

FITZER INJURED-William Fitzer, a peddler of 936 John Street, Newport, was probably fatally hurt Friday morning by being thrown from a buggy at Lindsay and Brighton Streets, Newport. With Jake Shields he was out driving in a light rig when the horse drawing the vehicle took fright and dashed up Brighton Street at a mad pace. The two young men made every effort to check the speed of the animal, but failed and Shields jumped from the vehicle.

Fitzer continued on and at Lindsay and Brighton Streets the animal suddenly swerved into the curb stone and over the pavement throwing Fitzer violently against the corner of the house. The hors horse also plunged into the house and went through several weather board. Fitzer was picked up in an unconscious condition and was hurried to his home by George Kellar, the feed merchant. Fitzer remained unconscious all the way home and after an examination had been it ws found he had been seriously hurt, although the exact extent of his injuries will not be known for some time.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 July 1906, page 5

POLICE COURT-When the case of William Fitzer charged by Alber Croxson with attempting to collect a bill at the point of a revolver, was called in the Newport Police Court last night by Judge Hawkins, Croxson failed to appear and Fitzer was dismissed.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 February 1907, page 5

PEDDLERS WANT FARMERS TO PAY-A new organization to be known as the Newport Peddlers Protection Association, was formed last night at Heiber's Hall. William Wiegands acted as chairman and the following were chosen: William Fitzer, President. It was decided to ask the General Council to compel farmers to pay the regular peddlers license when selling produce on the streets of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday 10 March 1908, page 5

CLAIMS ORDINANCE IS ILLEGAL-William Fitzer, President of the Peddlers' Protective Association, who was find $20 and costs in Police Court for peddling without a license, yesterday through his attorney, George Veith, took an appeal to the Circuit Court. Attorney Veith claims the imposition of a vehicle license on peddlers operates as a double tax, in view of the fact they are also compelled to take out a business license.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 May 1908, page 3

CITY LOSES-The Peddlers Protective Association of Newport won a sweeping victory today in the case of the city of Newport vs. William Fitzer.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 January 1913, page 2

FINED-Hugh Creelman was fined $15 and sentence to jail for 10 days after an argument with William Fitzer, saloon keeper at 411 York st. thew a heavy cuspidor and damaged a lot of cigars.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1914, page 1

SELLS PROPERTY-In the case of the Wiedemann Brewing Co. vs. William Fitzer, personality; sold to the plaintiff for $258.50.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 August 1915, page 1

DIVORCE-Suit for divorce was filed for Mrs. Rose Fitzer, from William Fitzer, on grounds of alleged cruelty. Restoration of her former name, Rose Staggenborg, is asked, with ownership of property at Tenth and Ann Sts. Newport and temporary and permanent alimony. Couple were married in Newport, Aug 2, 1905.


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