William A Eimer

Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 January 1903, page 5

Alderman William A Eimer of Newport is after the bridge companies that cross the Ohio from Newport. He wants to raise the assessment of the structures and has started a fight in a legal manner. He called on the City Board of Equalizers and inquired if the Newport & Cincinnati and the Central Railway Bridge Companies were assessed to the low water mark on the Ohio side of the river.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 January 1903, page 5

Alderman William Eimer is after the milk venders and is seeking an appropriation of $100 for this years analysis of milk. This he claims is necessary as the milk dealers have had full sway for the past several years in Newport and many complaints have been made by customers. Milk sold by many dairymen had been contaminated with formaldehyde to prevent it from becoming sour. It is the intention to prosecute any dealer who is caught selling milk below the standard.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 July 1903, page 7

Regarding the resolution presented by Alderman Eimer for the appointment of a commission to examine applicants for the position of City Engineer. Member Roll asked for new names to be substituted for the commission, but it failed to pass. Eimer's resolution stands.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 December 1903, page 5

Alderman William A Eimer seems to be in rather tough luck with the light fingered gentry the past week. His drug store at Eighth and Central Avenue was entered after midnight Wednesday by the burglars prying open the side window to the store. There was a small cash drawer the burglars got into and took away $9 in coppers and $1 in change.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 September 1906, page 5

W A Eimer, President of the Newport Board of Alderman, has announced that he will not make the race this fall for re-election, but will retire at the end of the year. President Eimer intends making the race for the Democratic nomination for Mayor next year and will make an active canvass for the place.


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