William B Devere
Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 April 1904, page 5
RETIRED-A number of retired noncommissioned officers of the army, who are entitled to pay under the recent decision of the Court of Claims, resided in Newport. Ordnance Sergeant William Devere, 83 years old, will received about $3000. The allowance comes under the head of commutation for quarters and fuel, and the officers are entitled to pay from the time the law was passed, in 1886, which has since been in litigation. They are also entitled to $13.50 per month during their lifetime.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 January 1906, page 5
DEATH-Mrs. Catherine Devere, 77, wife of William Devere, died yesterday at her home 111 West Fourth st. Newport. She leaves a husband and six children, Frank, Joseph, William, Edward and John Devere and Mrs. Albert Silva.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 March 1909, page 5
NEWPORT-William Devere celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday anniversary yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Silva, 816 Columbia st.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 April 1906, page 5
The remains of Mrs. William Devere, a pioneer resident of Newport, who died some time ago, will be buried from the vault at Evergreen tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm.
Cincinnati Volksblatt, Wednesday, 14 February 1912, page 3
*This was in German-WILLIAM DEVERE, 90 years old, "ein Veteran breier riege, ftarb geftern in Bohnung feiner" daughter Frau Albert Silva, No 816 Columbia St.