William W Darnell

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 July 1903, page 5

NEWPORT-The Miami Tribe of Red Men has offered a reward of $20 for the recovery of the body William Darnell, who was drowned at Riverside and who was a member of the order.

REMAINS FOUND-Word was received in Newport Wednesday morning from Anderson's Ferry, near where William Darnell, of Newport, was drowned last Sunday, that his body had been found four miles below that place. The police of Newport received the message and notified the Louis Marx Furniture Company where he was employed, and a messenger was sent from there to the grief-stricken home, on West Seventh Street.

Darnell was a good swimmer, but was seized with cramps, and went down before his companions could reach him. The remains will be brought home at once and arrangements made for the burial. The funeral will take place at 2 pm. Thursday from his residence 114 East Seventh Street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 23 July 1903, page 9

NEWPORT BRIEFS-The funeral of William Darnell, who was drowned Sunday at Riverside, will take place this afternoon with services at the family residence, 114 East Seventh street.

Rev Dr. Robinson, pastor of Taylor Street M E Church, officiating. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The local lodge of Red Men will have charge of the funeral.


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