William Daniel Pension

Submitted by Jo Ann Williamson


William Daniel served in the Revolutionary War in Virginia and received a pension for his service while living in Campbell County, KY:

State Of Kentucky Campbell County

On this 26th day of June 1833 formally appeared in open court before Justices of the Campbell County Court William Daniel, a resident of said County of Campbell and State of Kentucky aged Seventy One years the 18th of January last, who being first being duly sworn according to law. Doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress, passed June 7th, 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated – a short time before Tarleton went up to Charlottesville where the Royal Canadians were stationed, he joined the Company of William Philips, Captain – that he remained with Captain Philips, as a private for one tour of duty of three months – he does not recollect the year – that they marched along down the Country about Richmond and Williamsburgh – that they were engaged in watching the enemy , were once drawn up in line for battle but no engagement took place and that in fact he was in battle during this tour that the time is so great that he does not recollect the names of the officers under whose command he was except that of the Captained as above stated. That previous to this he served under one David Biggens, his commanding officer, but whether Biggens was a Captain or Lieutenant he does not recollect.

 He thinks it was in the year 1778-1779 but cannot be certain from the great length of time – that he served under Biggens at the Barracks in Albemarle in guarding the prisoners who were there – that he was engaged and served under Biggens for a tour of three months – in this service he was a private and acted as the cook of Biggens – that both of the above tours he was a volunteer – that he does not recollect the names of any other of his officers – that he has no documentary evidence of his services, but he that he can provide the name of Charles Daniel – that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any State.

Sworn in open court William Daniel


Personally appeared in open court Charles Daniel, who is known to the court as a person of creditability and good standing, who upon his oath declares that he is well acquainted with the above signed William Daniel. And knows he performed the services above stated being acquainted with him at that time, they being brothers.

Sworn in open court Charles Daniel


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