William Cowe

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 February 1911, page 5

William Cowe, 65, a well known resident of Bellevue, died suddenly last night about 6 pm while sitting in his home at 218 Poplar st. Bellevue with what the doctors think was heart failure. Cowe had been out of work for several months, following an accident in the L&N Railroad yards several months ago, when he was struck on the head with a monkey wrench that fell off an engine cab. He had about recovered from his injuries.

He was sitting in the kitchen of his home last night and expressed a wish for a glass of beer. His wife sent out for it and when Cowe was about to drink a glass, he seized with a fainting spell from which he never recovered.

Hurry calls were sent for physicians and Dr. Barker and Dr. Anna Wolfram responded, but Cowe had expired before they arrived. Both physicians attributed the cause to heart failure, but Coroner Digby made an examination this morning to determine the exact cause of death. Cowe is survived by a widow and two sons and two daughters. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


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