William Cloud

Court Order Book A, 7 December 1795
Court at the home of Jacob Fowler in Newport

On the motion of Jane Cloud Widow of William Cloud who wade Oath according to Law and together with John Hall & Chichester Matthews, her Securities who entered into & acknowledged the Bond in the penalty of Two thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs. Certificate is granted to her for obtaining Letters of Administration on the Estate of the aforesaid William Cloud in due form.

Ordered that John Conner, John Jones, John Royal and George Corn or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of this County do appraise in current money the Slaves if any & personal Estate of the aforesaid William Cloud, deceased & return the appraisement to the Court.


Court Order Book A, 1 February 1796
Court at the house of Jacob Fowler in Newport

An Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of William Cloud deceased was produced in Court & ordered to be recorded.

Court Order Book A, Page 61, 5 September 1796
Court held at the house of Jacob Fowler in Newport

Ordered that Jane Cloud act as Guardian of the following Orphans, Children of William Cloud deceased; viz Baylis Cloud, Sarah Cloud, Leah Cloud, Peggy A Cloud, William Cloud & Daniel Cloud, she with John Jones her Security having entered into & acknowledged a Bond in the penalty of 600 Dollars conditioned as the Law directs.

Court Order Book A, Page 73, 7 November 1796
Court held at the house of Jacob Fowler in Newport

On the Motion of Jane Cloud It is ordered that William Cave, John Conner, John Jones and John Hall or any two of them do lay off and assign unto the said Jane Cloud her Dower in the lands of her late Husband William Cloud, deceased, in this County and make Report thereof to the Court.

On the Motion of Jane Cloud it is ordered that the aforesaid Persons or any two of them do assign to her her Dower in the Slaves of which her said husband William died possessed & furthermore that they distribute the other personal Estate of the said William according to Law amongst the several persons entitled to distributive share thereof.

Court Order Book A, Page 138, 12 February 1798
Court held at the house of William Anderson in the Town of Newport

The Commissioners appointed to lay off Jane Cloud her Dower in the Lands of her late Husband William Cloud, deceased, reported in the words and figures following to Wit.  In Submission to the worshipful Court of Campbell County we the subscribers have layed off and assigned to Jane Cloud her Dower in the Lands of her late Husband William Cloud, deceased, in this County as follows:  Beginning at a Sugar tree thence S 57 1/2 W 80 poles to two hickories Thence N32 1/2 W 135 poles to hickory & Hackberry Thence S 57 1/2 W 31 poles to 2 red buds Thence N 32 1/2 W 169 poles to Elm & red bud Thence N 57 1/2 E 111 poles to oak & box Elder Thence S 32 1/2 E 304 poles to the Beginning 185 Acres.

Signed William Cave, John Conner



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