William Henry Buechner


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 April 1949, page 1

Col. William Henry Buecner, tank officer with General Patton's Second Armored Division in World War II and a veteran of World War I, died Monday at his home, 19 Mayfield avenue, Ft Thomas. Col. Buechner, 52 year old native of Ft Thomas, died after a short illness.

After suffering a broken leg on maneuvers, he did not accompany the Second Armored Division to Europe, but was transferred later to the infantry and fought in several engagements in the Philippines and the Pacific. He received the Medal of Honor for service in World War II. During World War I, Col. Buechner served as Second Lieutenatn with a machine gun battalion and received a Distinguished Service Cross for service in France.

He was stationed at Ft Thomas in 1932 and returned for duty several years later. In January 1947, he retired after 30 years service. Col. Buechner leaves a daughter, Miss Elain Clark Buechner, senior at Penn State College; a son. Allan Clark Buechner, graduate student at Penn State and a sister, Miss Dusnelsa Buechner of the Ft Thomass address. The Dobbling funeral home Ft Thomas, is in charge of arrangements.


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