Major William Buck

Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 March 1903, page 5

Major Buck, of the United States Army, and wife (Winona Lee) are here from the South for a short visit to Mrs. Buck's parents, Major and Mrs. L R Hawthorne, of York Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 March 1903, page 5

It is with much pleasure that the friends of Miss Winona Buck, daughter of Major and Mrs. Buck, formerly of the Eighteenth Infantry, will learn that she will make her home at Ft Thomas, as Major Buck has been transferred to the Third, to take the place of Major Paulding, who leaves April 1 for the Philippine Islands. Miss Buck visited her grandmother, Mrs. Hawthorne last summer and was most popular during her stay here.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 April 1903, page 5

Major William L Burk (sic) recently transferred from the Thirteenth to the Third Infantry, has assumed command of the First Battalion, Third Infantry at Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 April 1903, page 8

The following have been appointed members of the General Court Martial: Lieut. George B Pond, Judge Advocate; Major W L Buck, Capts. Maury Nicholls, Charles Miller, John Barker, Lieuts. P E M Walker, R O Ragsdale, George C Lewis, W G Ball, E M Stanton, A C Hutchinson and W W Merrill.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 January 1904, page 5

Major William H Buck is detailed as instructor in military field engineering in the officers school.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 January 1904, page 5

Friends in this city of Miss Winona Buck will be sorry to know that she has been quite ill for the past week at her home at Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 January 1904, page 5

The War Department Commander directs that Major W L Buck, Third Infantry, make a search for suitable grounds for a target range to be used by the garrison at Ft Thomas. If possible, such ground to be within one days march of the post, but if there be no suitable range within that distance, Major Buck will extend his reconnaissance until he finds a range.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 January 1904, page 3

Kenton County is to have a rifle range. Major William L Buck of the Third Infantry, Ft Thomas, is sending circular letters asking for information. He wants a place where a range could be installed with a firing line at a maximum of 1000 yards, with a level or a gentle slope of 600 yards. The Major states that only a reasonable sum will be paid for the property.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 February 1904, page 8

Major William L Buck and Capt. Maury Nichols leave Monday evening for Detroit Mich. and will report as members of a general court marital at Ft Wayne, Mich. Tuesday. Major William of the Third, is also a member of this court.

The troops at the post were inspected and mustered for pay by Major William L Buck, commanding, Sunday morning and presented a neat and soldierly appearance. The payment for the month of January will take place next week. During the absence of Major William L Buck on court martial duty at Ft Wayne, the post will be commanded by Capt. Fielder M M Beall, the senior Captain of the regiment.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 February 1904, page 8

Major Buck has issued orders providing for an additional recitation for officers in the post school from 9 to 10 am daily, except Saturdays and Sundays, beginning Wednesday, the 10th inst.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 March 1904, page 8

Major William L Buck, Capt. Charles Miller and Lieut. Samuel C Orchard, the board of officers detailed to examine various tracts of land offered the Government for use as rifle ranges, have examined all the sites, but thus far none inspected has been found adequate, failing to meet all the requirements necessary for small arms practice.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 May 1904, page 8

Corporal William Buck, Company D, who recently returned from detached service with Lieut. Pond at Canton O. has re-enlisted for a three years tour and will to go to Alaska with Capt. Giddings company.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 May 1904, page 8

Major William L Buck of the Third, stationed at this post and under orders for change of station with the regiment to Alaska, has made application to transfer to the Inspector General's department as a detailed officer. Major Buck is highly recommended for the position he seeks by his superior officers. It would be necessary in order to make this detail to relieve Major James A Irons, who is detailed officer in the Inspector General's department, but who is engaged in duties connected with the general staff.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 September 1904, page 8

Mrs. Major William L Buck and daughters Louise and Leroy, left yesterday for Washington DC where they will remain for some time visiting friends. Mrs. Buck will not return to Ft Thomas but with her daughters will join Major Buck in Alaska next May.


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