William A Young

Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 January 1904, page 3

William Young and daughter, Miss Georgia, of Monmouth Street, Newport, are contemplating giving up their home in this city and making their home in the future with Mr. Young's youngest son, Dr. Hopple Young of Charleston W Va.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 May 1904, page 7

Dr. William Young lectured before the Dayton High School class at 1 pm Friday on "The Physiological View of the Memory."


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 July 1904, page 5

Dr. William A Young, of Newport, with the assistance of the X-Ray succeeded in locating and extracting a bullet that had lodged in the right wrist of Sam Gaskins, residing at 606 East Front s. Gaskins, while celebrating the Fourth, accidentally shot himself. The bullet entered the right hand at the base of the little finger and passing through the hand, lodged in the muscles of the wrist.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 July 1904, page 5

Dr. William Young and wife returned from the St Louis Fair Thursday. The doctor and his wife started to the fair in the doctor's automobile and got as are as Terre Haute Ind. where they found the roads so bad they continued their journey by rail.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 September 1904, page 5

Dr. Bob Young is here from St Louis the guest of his father, Capt. William Young of Monmouth st. Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 September 1906, page 5

Capt William Young and sons, James and Dr. Will Young, will leave this week for Huntington W Va. to visit Dr. Robert Young and from there will go to Charlestown W Va. to visit Mrs. Clarence Schoolfield and Dr. Hopple Young.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 November 1906, page 5

Articles of incorporation of the Valley View Sanitarium were filed with County Clerk Betz, Newport, yesterday. The institution will be located at Ft Thomas. The amount of capital stock is $1000. The incorporators are Oscar F Barrett, Dayton; John W Jones, Ft Thomas; Spurgeon Sympson, Ft Thomas; Dorothy E Barrett, Ft Thomas; and William A Young, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 March 1908, page 5

REMOVAL OF OFFICE-Dr. William A Young to Virginia Flats, Third and Washington Avenues Newport. Office Hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 pm.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 May 1910, page 3

The sixth annual meeting of the Kentucky State Association of Railway Surgeons to be held at Ashland begins tomorrow. Dr. J L Phythian of Newport is president of the association. He will leave for Ashland tonight accompanied by Dr. William Young of Dayton; Dr. William Senour and Dr. Fred Stein.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 August 1911, page 3

Dr. William A Young of Dayton, left this week for a visit with relatives in Charleston W Va.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 August 1914, page 4

Letters written on July 26 and 29, recived from Dr. William Young, who is in London, stated at the time he was not at all apprehensive as to the war situation or his return passage. Mrs. William Young and Miss Florence will leave tomorrow noon to spend the remainder of the month at Atlantic City and will meet Dr. Young on his return home in the fall.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 August 1914, page 1

Dr. William A Young of Dayton, returned home Friday from a trip to Europe which he was forced to end owing to the European crisis. Dr. Young had intended to travel on the continent but succeeded in getting no further than England. He was in London on July 26 when word was received that Germany and Russia were about to engage in war and he then decided to abandon his trip through Europe and return home.

Dr. Young left England on the steamer Philadelphia Aug 6. The English railroads were given over to the Government and the mobilization of the English army was very interesting, says Dr. Young.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 July 1916, page 4

The friends of Dr. William Young, who is at Speers Hospital will be glad to learn he is improved and will go to the mountains the latter part of the summer for a few weeks stay.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 November 1916, page 4

Miss Florence Young, who is attending the Kentucky Woman's College at Danville Ky. was called home last week on account of the serious illness of her father, Dr. William A Young.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 December 1916, page 2

Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Schoolfield have been called to Newport on account of the serious condition of Dr. William A Young and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Hopple Young of Fourth and Washington av.


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