Will Davis

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 February 1903, page 5

Judge Henry C Dumont of Newport, has received a letter from his friend, Will Davis, who is now in the Philippines. Davis id a Newport boy and has been through South Africa and many parts of Europe. He is at present construction engineer, working where no while men live.

He tells about tents being scarce, and living in a Pilipino shack. The Filipino lives with his family, dogs, pigs and two or three setting hens. A funeral was held there the other day and Mr. Davis says, "The body was brought out in a coffin to the middle of the street, in front of the former shack of the deceased. Church services are held by a Filipino priest and a band, the members of which smoke cigarettes for a while and then play. If not marching they sit on the ground.

After the body is taken up and carried away toward their church the most piercing shrieks and mourning from the women near relatives of the deceased."


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