Wilford E Senour

From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 228

WILFORD E SENOUR, MD, a young physician of Bellevue, where he has been practicing in the best families for five years past, was born in Independence, Kenton County, Kentucky, July 17, 1866.

His great-grandfather, Bryant Senour, was a native of Scotland, who came to America in the latter part of the eighteenth century and made his home in then Campbell County, where Dr. Senour's grandfather, Wilford Senour, and his father, Tilman W Senour were born.  Wilford Senour (grandfather) was a farmer and resident of Kenton County all his life and died there in 1876.

Tilman W Senour (father) born and raised in Kenton County, is still a resident of Independence in that county, where he is engaged in farming and dealing in tobacco; a prominent citizen and man of superior intelligence, respected by all who know him and is known by nearly every one in the county.  He is a strong Republican in politics and takes a lively interest in the success of his party throughout the country.

Dr. Senour's mother, Anna E (Cox) Senour, also a native of Kenton County, is a daughter of Frederick Cox, a well-to-do farmer of the county.  She is now living with her husband in Independence.

Dr. Senour was a typical farmer's boy, going to school where there was nothing to do on the farm; but he had an ambition to learn a profession and by careful study he was prepared for a classical course, and at the age of eighteen years he entered Central Normal College at Danville, Indiana, from which he graduated in 1889.  He taught in a graded school in Independence for seven months and was a teacher in the Scioto Commercial College at Chillicothe, Ohio for a short time before commencing to read medicine with his brother, Dr. Ulysses G Senour, at Pleasant Ridge, Ohio.

He subsequently attended the medical department of the University of Louisville, from which he graduated in 1891; and in the same year began the practice of medicine in Bellevue, where he was by no means a stranger and where he secured a valuable practice in a short time.  He is well equipped for the work of the physician, attentive to his patients, kind and obliging in his disposition and popular with all classes.

He is interested to a considerable extent in real estate, and has acquired a valuable estate, which is, perhaps, the most substantial evidence of his popularity and success in his profession.


Dr. Wilford E Senour 1927 Obituary


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