W H Wiebe

Cincinnati Enquirer, 6 June 1894, page 6


Mr. W H Wiebe, one of Newport's oldest and most respected citizens, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at his home on Monmouth street, aged 68 years. His death resulted from injuries received in a runaway accident several weeks ago while returning from the Highlands in company with Mr. Hansjurgen.

Both men were thrown from the vehicle and Mr. Wiebe received internal injuries. The deceased came to Newport in 1852 and started a shoe store on the location now occupied by Mr. Hastings, as a coal yard.

He represented the third ward in council for several terms and was a Police and Fire Commissioner under Mayor W H Harton. He was a member of the Knights of Honor, AOUW and the German Pioneers. He leaves three daughters and two sons, all grown.

His funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Salem M E Church.


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