Walter Clifford


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 9 January 1862, page 3


ARREST FOR OBTAINING MONEY UNDER FALSE PRETENSES-Walter Clifford, formerly a soldier at the Newport Barracks, was arraigned before Mayor Hawkins yesterday morning, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses.

Clifford sold a watch some time ago to a man named Beatty, in order to obtain money to release a comrade from jail. Beatty, after having the watch in his possession some time, repented of his bargain, and caused a warrant to be issued for the arrest of Clifford, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses.

Bail was required of Clifford in the sum of $200 to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court, which he gave.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 12 January 1862, page 3


HONORABLY ACQUITTED-The trial of the young man, Walter Clifford, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses, came up before Mayor Hawkins yesterday, Oliver Root, Esq. appearing as counsel for the prisoner and F M Webster, Esq. acting as Prosecuting Attorney.

After a patient investigation of the case the prisoner was discharged, the evidence produced by the court being sufficient to hold him.


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