Victor Peter Carmichael

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 November 1944, page 1

Victor Pete Carmichael, 19, seaman first class, arrived home Tuesday with the din of the terrific battle between the US and Jap fleets at Leyte still ringing in his ears. A Purple Heart and a stiffness and soreness in his left leg, hip and back attested his part in the tremendous defeat handed the Jap forces. Pete arrived at the Union Terminal early Tuesday morning and awakended his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A B Carmichael, 1101 Second avenue, Dayton, when he called from the station. His sister, Mrs. Audrey Thomas knew it had to be "Pete or my husband, Reginald."

Pete, who has served on a light cruised ever since he was assigned ever since he was assigned to active sea duty, served in the Leyte engagement as an anti-aircraft gunner. He is a veteran of actions in both the Atlantic and Pacific areas and participated in the invasion of Sicily and Guam. A former student of Dayton High School, he has been in the Navy since Oct 7, 1942.

He said thta some of the most vicious work of the Jap flyers was done by ships piloted by women. Gallantry was forced into the background as his crew and the rest of the gunners did not stop to question the six of any pilot bearing down on them.


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