United Home Guard

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 25 April 1861, page 2

The United Home Guard Associations of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport, pursuant to adjournment, met yesterday afternoon at Odd Fellows Hall in Newport, and reorganized by appointing Miles Greenwood of Cincinnati, President; May Goodson of Covington and Mayor Hawkins of Newport, Vice Presidents, and N B Stephens of Covington, Secretary.

The hall was filled by the solid men of the three cities, whose countenances were an index to that deep interest they felt in the purpose of the meeting. The President, on taking the chair, stated to the audience that the meeting was called to show the feeling existing in the communities of Newport, Covington and Cincinnati was all right in favor of the Union. In these exciting times many stories had been put in circulation that are utterly destitute of truth and they were doubtless set affront for mischievous purposes. He had even heard it reported that the Newport ferry boat had been stopped, but in tracing it up he found it from some wag of a fellow, who finished the sentence by saying they had stopped to put off passengers.

Colonel Jones being called for, arose and remarked that the present was adjourned meeting held in Cincinnati at the Merchant's Exchange on Monday afternoon last, the object of which had been already explained. He was glad to see so many citizens respond so cordially to the call.  Kentucky has a perfect right to arm herself and place herself in an attitude of armed neutrality, which will put her in a position to prevent invasion from the North or the South. No man out of the Border states should doubt the faith of Kentucky for Kentucky was and is for Union.

Colonel Finnell and Colonel James Taylor of Newport addressed the audience. The audience adjourned to meet again at Odd Fellows Hall in Covington, on Saturday afternoon next, at three o'clock.


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