Twelve Mile Members
September 15, 1818
From original records at the Kenton County Public Library
in Covington
The first church meeting was held at Brother Belveals Sept. 15,
1818 and after divine service 1st-Choose Brother Seith M Hirchin? _____.
2nd-The letter to the Association read and approved and chose Brothers John
Stephens, Samuel Belveal and William Wait to hear in the Association and they
were received into union with the North Bend Association of Baptists.
3rd-All in the Church agree to hold meeting the second Saturday in each month.
Members received after constitution September 1818
Bailey, Caroline Ogle
Beagle, Cizzie
Beagle, Conienz
Beagle, Jekoy?
Beagle, Mary
Beagle, Roy
Beagle, Thomas
Beagle, Thomas
Belvell, Mary
Belvell, Samuel
Carmack, Jane
Clift, Elizabeth
Cliot, Benjamin
Cliot, Herman
Cliot, Jane
Cloit, Nancy
Colbert, James
Colbert, Maryan
Dawson, Evelina
Dicks, James
Dolson, Katy
Forsythe, Elizabeth
German, Fergis
Harwood, Thomas
Henderson, Abigail
Johnston, Ely
Kirchville, Nancy
Ledger, Mary
Lively, Nancy
Lively, Sarah
Mefford, Mary
Morin, Martha
Morin, Willard
Nelson, Mary
Parke, Jane
Peck, Mary
Peck, Mary
Rachford, Sarah
Runnels, Amy
Stephens, Ann
Stephens, Clenda
Stephens, Ferson?
Stephens, John
Thomas, Elizabeth
Thomas, Martha (crossed out) Moriah
Thompson, Alexander
Thompson, Nancy
Thompson, William Jr.
Thompson, Williams Senior
Wait, Sarah
Wait, Wm
Walker, George and wife