Tom Williams

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Cincinnati Enquirer, 5 November 1885, page 6


SPECIAL POLICEMAN Tom Williams is a great man. He has been credited with frightening away more burglars in the past year than the entire police force, but strange to say, he never has caught one. Now when Steve Solar had this place he used to make a bang up bluff. He would just go and break a window and then run down the street firing off his pistol and make people think that a burglar was actually around.

Some people would swallow a whale if they thought they could get it down them.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 December 1900, page 7


The funeral of Thomas Williams, Newport's first Chief of the Fire Department, took place yesterday afternoon from his residence on Isabella street. Nearly all of the city officials attended, while Noah's Dove Lodge and Encampment of Odd Fellows was represented in the list of pallbearers.

During the passage of the funeral cortege through the city Chief Link the present head of the Fire Department, who served under Chief Williams as stoker for many years, had the fire bells toiled as a mark of respect to his memory. Many beautiful floral offerings were laid on his bier by sorrowing friends.

The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


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