Tom King

Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 August 1890, page 4


Two firemen seriously injured by a fall. About 4:30 o'clock a fire was discovered in the residence of Mr. John McDermott at 96 Patterson street. Firemen Tom King and Tim Hogan, two of the very best in the department, placed a ladder on a neighboring house and were being assisted by a man named Middleston.

They had just got into place with a line of hose and were doing effective work, when suddenly there was a loud crash and the ladder went into fifty pieces. The men fell to the ground and the debris from the roof came tumbling down on them. A cry of horror went up from the crowd, and there was a rush to the scene to rescue the victims as it was feared that some of the burning building would fall on them.

They were packed up and carried to a place of safety. Fireman King was place on a stretcher and moved to his home on Fourth street. In the patrol wagon Fireman Hogan was taken to the residence of Mrs. Schneider and was afterwards taken to his home. After the wounded men were cared for the firemen worked all the harder and soon had the flames under control.

It is believe that Fireman King is seriously hurt. He has an ugly scalp wound and a bad cut over his eye and his attending physicians are of the opinion that he is injured internally. He was spitting blood last night. Fireman Hogan was badly bruised but his injuries are not serious.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 August 1890, page 7


FIREMAN TOM KING has recovered so as to be able to sit up.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 September 1895, page 7

Fireman Tom King, of No 2 Reelhouse, had a narrow escape from being seriously injured this morning. At 10 am he was exercising his horse and turning the corner of Eleventh and Washington Avenue, Newport, the animal shied at a passing C&O train, throwing the fireman off its back. He didn’t fall to the ground, as his foot got caught in the stirrup and dragged him some little distance.

Fortunately for the fireman his congress shoe came off, letting him fall to the ground. His wrist and hand were painfully injured


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