Watchman Thomas Cottingham


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 December 1890, page 10


Mr. Thomas H Cottingham, the new chief of Police of Newport, will assume charge of the bobbies on Christmas Day.  He was born in Galway, Ireland in 1845 and when not quite 13 years of age went to sea, where he remained for three years.  In that time he visited France, Spain, Italy and Germany.  In the spring of 1863 he came to America and in 1865 landed in Newport.

He went to boiler making, which he followed for three years, but becoming deaf, was compelled to give it up.  He then worked as a laborer in a brick yard in the summer and acted as a night watchman on steamboats in the winter.

In November 1870, he went on the police force of that city, where he remained twelve years.  He was soon promoted to the position of Lieutenant which place he filled for six years. From that he was placed at head of the force as Chief and this position he filled for two years.  he also served as a Police Commissioner and put in four years as a Councilman.

Two years ago he resigned his seat in Council to accept the position of Superintendent of the City Work House, the place he now holds.  A better selection for the office could not be made.  He is an elegant gentleman and has hundreds of friends throughout this section who wish him abundant success.


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