Lieutenant Colonel Thomas C Woodbury


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 January 1904, page 8

Col. Harry L Haskell has received his commission as Brigadier General and his retirement papers from Washington. He will turn over the command of the post to Major William L Buck, Third Infantry. His successor has not been appointed, but the new commander of the Third Infantry will probably be one of the following Lieutenant Colonels: George A Cornish, Twenty-sixth Infantry; Charles A Williams, Twenty-eighth Infantry, and Thomas C Woodbury, Seventeenth Infantry.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 January 1904, page 5

The three senior Lieutenant Colonels of Infantry that will be promoted to Colonels following the recent promotions and retirements are: George A Cornish, Twenty-sixth; Charles A Williams, Twenty-eighth, and Thomas C Woodbury, Seventeenth.

One of these will be assigned to the Third and it is possible that Lieut. Col. Woodbury may be the one.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 February 1904, page 8

It has been rumored that Lieut. Col. Woodbury might be assigned to duty as Colonel of the Third at Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 February 1904, page 1

Lieut. Col. Thomas Woodbury, who will be entitled to promotion to a Coloneley soon, has been assigned to the command of the Third Infantry and will go with the regiment to the Isthmus of Panama.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 March 1904, page 4

A soldierly figure, with close cropped hair and trim mustache, slightly tinged with gray, is Col. Thomas C Woodbury, the new Commandant at Ft Thomas. Col. Woodbury inherited his choice of profession. He was fore-ordained to army life, as his father and grandfather fought under the Stars and Stripes.

"My father was an officer in the Civil War," said Col. Woodbury to the Post, "and my grandfather was one of the men to besiege Mexico City in the war with Mexico. My choice of an army life came naturally and had I a son, he too would enter the army."

Col. Woodbury has an enviable record as a brave and resourceful officer. He served in the Spanish American War with honor and wounding in the knee in the famous charge up San Juan Hill. His three years in the Philippines gave him an insight into conditions there and won him the admiration and respect of his fellow officers for the manner in which he brought order out of chaos on the island of which he was in charge.

The last post at which Col. Woodbury was stationed and from which he came to Ft Thomas was Angel Island, off San Francisco, guarding the entrance to the Golden Gate. From the perfumed laden atmosphere and balmy breezes of Southern California to a climate that keeps the Weather Bureau busy in this vicinity, is a decided change for Col. Woodbury, his wife and little daughter but the new commandant has already succumbed to the charms of the "prettiest fort in America."

Ten years of active service remain for Col. Woodbury before he retires to private life. Since 1872 he has lived in a military world. Many years ago, before the war with Spain, Col. Haskell with his wife, was stationed at Davis Island in New York harbor.

In the regiment was one, Lieut. Thomas C Woodbury, a dashing young officer and the gallant beau of the garrison. Among the society girls from New York, was a lady from Philadelphia, with whom the gallant Lieutenant fell madly in love. The courtship was conducted under the guardianship of Col. and Mrs. Haskell. There was a brilliant military wedding in Philadelphia. Col and Mrs. Haskell are admirers of both Col. and Mrs. Woodbury and gave them a warm welcome to Ft Thomas. 


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 March 1904, page 2

Col. Thomas C Woodbury, attended the Queen City Club last Wednesday night with the retiring commandant Col. Haskell and the twain told their best stories. Col. Woodbury's pretty wife will be a welcome addition to society at Ft Thomas. She is a member of one of Philadelphia's oldest families and was the belle of many society balls for which the Quaker City is famous.

Margaret, Col. and Mrs. Woodbury only child is a Spanish blonde, a 7 year old, with brown eyes and golden curls. With Col. and Mrs. Haskell summering at the fort and the new commandant's family installed in the commandant's house.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 April 1904, page 8

Col. Woodbury has issued orders directing the first call for reveille shall, in future, be sounded at 5:30 am. The non-commissioned officers reporting the result of the 11 pm inspection will not report until the bugle has ceased sounding taps.


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