Thomas Marion and Elizabeth White

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,
1887, Campbell Co.

Thomas Marion White was born in Campbell County, Ky., May 10, 1829, and is the eldest of four children born to James S. and Margaret (Dicken) White.  James S. White was born in Alexandria, Campbell County, in 1806, and was a son of Jacob and Sarah (Stephens) White, natives of Virginia.  He was a farmer by occupation, a man of high character, of great energy and industry, who died in 1879, in this seventy-third year.  The mother of our subject was a daughter of Joseph Dicken, her mother being a Miss Blackgrove, before her marriage; they were natives of Virginia. 

Thomas M White was reared on the farm, and in early life learned the trade of a blacksmith, which trade he followed until 1875.  In 1877 he was elected sheriff of Campbell County and re-elected in 1879.  He is one of Campbell County's most efficient public servants; is a member of the Baptist Church, and of the Masonic fraternity. 


Cincinnati Enquirer, 2 January 1877, page 6

NEW SHERIFF IN-Thomas M White was sworn in Sheriff of Campbell County yesterday at Alexandria and executed his bond before Judge W J Berry, the following gentlemen becoming his sureities;

George L Trapp
Peter Hess
William Caldwell
William Fannin
John Trapp
Henry Weaver
James S White
Joseph J White

The following gentlemen were appointed Deputies: T K Hutchinson and John White.


On 4 July 1849 he married Miss Elizabeth Bryan, a daughter of Samuel and Cynthia (Carmack) Bryan, of Campbell County.  Mrs. White is also a member of the Baptist Church.  To their union have been born nine children, viz: James S. (deceased), Theodore (deceased), three who died in infancy (Orval), Missouri (deceased d-1882), Dora H., Lida (Eliza) M. and Charles.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 July 1899, page 5

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White, of Alexandria Ky. celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage with a golden wedding Tuesday. There are 13 in the White family of children. Rev Dr. Barker performed the ceremony by remarrying the aged couple. The entire day was spent in merry making by the young folk and the reunion of the family of older ones.

There were fully 100 relatives and a few friends present. The couple were the recipients of many handsome gold pieces.

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