Thomas Reedy

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 17 February 1859, page 2



The soldiers belonging to Newport Barracks, who were arrested by Officers Cook, Morton and Clary for being engaged in a "prize fight" on the commons back of the city, on Tuesday last, were arraigned before Esquire Sine. It appeared in evidence that Thomas Reedy and Wellington Marshall were the principals and they were disposed of by fining them each $5 and costs. The Court seemed to think that the painter, with his black and blue paints had been artistically employed upon their countenance to beautifully were they variegated.

Ramsy Galph, one of the seconds, who valiantly proposed, when the police made their appearance to "clean the officers out" was also fined $5 and costs. The memory of Edward Ferris, another of the participants was somewhat in fault while in Court; he did not remember being present, but as there was a sober witness present, whose memory was less treacherous, Edward was fined $2 and costs; and W S Hardin was fined $1 and costs.

There was also two promising young soldiers arrested, who like poor Tray, were caught in bad company. Esquire Sine thought that it was punishment enough for them to have remained in the Newport Jail all night and they were discharged. the defendants having no money to discharge their fines were remanded to jail.


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