Thomas F O'Neil

The Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 September 1905, page 5


Thos F O'Neil, a prominent citizen of Newport, was found dead in bed at his home shortly after 7 am today. The discovery was made by his sister, Miss Mandy, when she went to his room to awake him for breakfast. Dr. Jenkins was called but his services were not needed. Mr. O'Neil, Dr. Jenkins stated must have died about an hour before he was called in. Heart disease, from which he suffered for some years is given as the cause of death.

The deceased was prominently connected with Newport Lodge of Elks and a hard worker for its success for a number of years. In nearly every entertainment he was one of the jolly members who made it pleasant for the others. He was a member of the firm of the Buckeye Marble Works, Cincinnati, until a few years ago, when his health failed him and he was compelled to retire. He was 49 years of age and single and lived with his sisters in a beautiful home on East Fourth st. Newport.

Those surviving him are the Misses Mandy, Celia, Rose and Sally O'Neil, all well known in Newport. Newport Lodge of Elks will meet in special session to take proper action on his death.


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