Thomas Jefferson McGraw

Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 August 1914, page 12


The United Daughters of the Confederacy will next Saturday afternoon, at Beech Grove in the Southern part of Campbell County, unveil a monument to the memory of Jefferson McGraw, a resident of Campbell County, who was condemned as a Confederate spy and shot by order of a Union court martial on May 15, 1863, together with Captain William Francis Corbin, of the Confederate Army, at Johnson's Island, Ohio. McGraw's remains are buried at Flagg Springs, near Beech Grove.

McGraw and Captain Corbin were captured at the house of a man named Garrett Daniel, near Rouse's Mills, in Pendleton County, Kentucky, on the night of April 8, 1863, the charge being that they had secured recruits for the Confederate Army, which was prohibited by an order of General Burnside and made punishable by death.

Until about a year ago McGraw's last resting place was entirely neglected. A short time ago members of Basil Duke Chapter, U D C, started a movement to raise a fund for a monument to McGraw's memory and the ceremonies of next Saturday afternoon will mark the successful completion of their work. A very interesting program has been arranged for the occasion, consisting of vocal and instrumental numbers with a number of recitation and historical sketches.

Civil War Executions of William Corbin and Jefferson McGraw


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