Thomas Kelly Mayfield

Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 December 1903, page 8

Thomas K Mayfield, formerly of Company C Sixth Infantry, is seriously ill at his home on Grandview Avenue, Ft Thomas. Mayfield was discharged for disability some years ago and draws a pension. He has a sister in Cincinnati. Major Wakeman will have him removed to the Post Hospital.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 December 1903, page 8

County Judge Hissem Monday issued an order for the admission of Thomas K Mayfield, formerly of Company C Sixth Infantry, who is dying of consumption to Speers Hospital and directing John Macht, one of the Highland Board of Trustees to take charge of Mayfield's estate. In accordance with Mayfield's request he was taken from his home to the post hospital in the hospital ambulance. There is not hope of his recovery. His sister, in Cincinnati, has not yet been located.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 December 1903, page 6

Thomas K Mayfield, whose obituary was prematurely announced a few days ago in a Cincinnati evening paper, is resting comfortably at the post hospital, his condition having slightly improved.


Kentucky Post, 28 December 1903, page 5

Edward Mayfield, of Horse Cave Ky. arrived here Saturday night and took charge of the remains of his brother, the late Thomas K Mayfield, who died of consumption at the post hospital Saturday evening. Mayfield left wit the body of the deceased Sunday for his home where the interment will take place.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 December 1903, page 5

On motion of Edward Mayfield, a brother of the deceased, John Macht was Tuesday appointed by Judge Hissem to administer the estate of Thomas Mayfield, formerly of the Sixth Infantry, who died at Speers Hospital.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 December 1903, page 5

John Macht of the Highland Trustees, who was placed in charge of the late Thomas K Mayfield's affairs, prior to his death by County Judge Hissem has been appointed by that official administrator of Mayfield's estate at the request of Edward Mayfield, a brother of the deceased.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 January 1904, page 5

Messrs. Harry B Williams of Newport and Frank Schweiner of the Highlands, were appointed by County Judge Hissem as appraisers of the estate of the late Thomas K Mayfield and with John Macht, the administrator, performed that duty yesterday. Later on there will be an auction of the household goods and effects of Mayfield.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 January 1904, page 8

Frank Schweiner for John Macht, administrator, disposed of the effects of the late Thomas K Mayfield at auction, in accordance with the wishes of the brother of the deceased, who lives at Horse Cave Ky.


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