Thomas and Anna Jones

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,
1887, Campbell Co.

Thomas Jones, a native of Clermont County, Ohio, was born September 17, 1820, but was raised near Newport, Ky., where he moved when a boy.  His father, David Jones, of Lynchburg, Va., of Welsh origin, was a merchant and tobacco manufacturer.  He was postmaster at New Richmond, Ohio, and was also justice of the peace there for thirty years; he was a Methodist in religion, and married Elizabeth Fowler, daughter of Jonas and Elizabeth (Stone) Fowler, of New Jersey. 

Five children were born to them, the subject of this sketch being the second child.  Mrs. Jones was a member of the Baptist Church.  Thomas Jones was reared on the farm, and spent twenty years on the river, trading as a captain.  His first official work was as county assessor, and was then deputy circuit  and county clerk.  In 1874 he was elected sheriff of this county, serving four years, after which he was elected county clerk, which  position he still holds.  That he has been a faithful servant is evidenced by his continuation in office.  He is a member of the Baptist Church, and of the Masonic fraternity. 

In 1847 Thomas married Anna M. Grubb, daughter of Emanuel and Jemina (Walroon) Grubb; she was born in 1827, and died in 1849, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  In 1850 Thomas married Elizabeth Green, daughter of John and Margaret
(Turpin) Green, natives of Virginia.  She was born in 1828, and died in 1886, a member of the Baptist Church.  Mr. Jones has an adopted daughter, Mrs. Lulu Goetz, with whom he lives in Dayton.

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