Thomas D  Carneal

Alexandria Deed Book I-J, page 55-Recorded 14 Mar 1832

Deed made 18 Jul 1829 between Thomas D Carneal of the county of Campbell of the one
part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part. Thomas in consideration
of the sum of one dollar sells all that certain tract of land situated in Campbell County being a part of a tract of land deeded to Samuel Perry, deceased, lying on the Ohio opposite the mouth of the little Miami being the same farm bought by Robert D Richardson of William Perry;

Also a farm of the same size adjoining the same bought by said Richardson of Samuel Perry by deed dated 23 Sep 1817 (Book D, page 556-7) containing 140 acres in Campbell County being part of a tract of land granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Samuel Perry, the father of William and Samuel Perry by a patent dated 6 Sep 1787 signed Lt. Gov. Beverly Randolph, the same being the shares of said William and Samuel as heirs by partition being the same land which by deed dated 23 Jul 1822 Robert D Richardson by his attorney in fact, Nicholas Longworth, conveyed to the said Thomas D Carneal.

In presence of: Bennett Sebby Hopkins



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