Captain Thomas B Hunt

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 10 January 1872, page 7


THE TRIAL OF CAPTAIN THOS B HUNT-The General Court Martial for the trial of Captain Thos B Hunt, Assistant Quartermaster United States Army, which met at the Newport Barracks on the 19th of December last, and adjourned at the instance of the accused until January 9, reassembled yesterday at the same place. The following is the detail of the Court.

Colonel Franklin F Flint, Fourth Infantry
Samuel B Sturgiss, Seventh Cavalry
Major Wm P Carlin, Sixteenth Infantry
Major Horatio G Gibson, Third Artillery
Captain Alex Chambers, Fourth Infantry
Captain Fred W Benton, Seventh Cavalry
Captain Miles W Keogh, Seventh Cavalry
Captain J S Fletcher, Jun. Sixteenth Infantry
Major H B Burnham, Judge Advocate of the United States Army

The charge against Captain Hunt is endorsing fraudulent vouches for forage alleged to have been furnished by B F Davidson. The accused appeared yesterday at the opening of the Court with his counsel, Hon Jacob D Cox and applied for an adjournment until this morning at 101/2 o'clock when he will be formally arraigned.

A large number of witnesses have been summoned, and it is thought the trial will last a month. Application was made yesterday to General Halleck for authority to hold the Court in Cincinnati for the convenience of witnesses and all the parties concerned.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 17 January 1872

AUTHORITY has been received from the War Department to hold the Court marital for the trial of Captain Thomas B Hunt in Cincinnati instead of at the Newport Barracks.


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