Fort Thomas Barracks



Cincinnati Enquirer, 19 October 1890, page 7

Mr. Hal Young, son of Captain Young of the Barracks, left last night for Dover NY.


Cincinnati Post, Saturday, 6 February 1892, page 3

Charles Laughlin, a soldier at the Newport Barracks, has deserted. He has been missing since last Wednesday and detectives are not on his trail. He left just the eve before he was to be married to a lady named Topmeier.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 Nov 1892, page 7

Colonel Wherry and Captain Townsend, of the Newport Barracks, left for the Soldier's Home at Dayton Ohio, to attend to official business.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 3 December 1892, page 6

The officers at Ft. Thomas entertained several friends with a hop last evening. The Assistant Secretary of War Brigadier General Grant was in town yesterday inspecting the Newport Barracks and Ft. Thomas. He is on his annual inspecting tour of the various forts of the country and finds the Newport Barracks and Ft. Thomas in excellent shape.

Lieutenant C De L Hine, of the Newport Barracks, leaves on Monday for Virginia where he will spend a month's leave of absence. The troops at the Barracks and Ft. Thomas are anxiously awaiting the coming of the paymaster who is somewhat tardy this month.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 9 January 1893, page 7

Barney Adams, one of Uncle Sam's privates at the Newport Barracks, has fallen heir to $10,000 by the death of his mother in Pennsylvania.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 4 July 1894, page 7

The people of the Highlands were notified by the Post office  authorities to prepare a suitable office for a branch post office at that place on May 1. As yet they have failed to comply with these instructions and they blame the street care company, who promised to build suitable quarters at a convenient spot, but for no building of that kind has appeared.

The department is now considering the proposition of the Ft. Thomas officers to place it at the fort, which would be anything but convenient to the people of the Highlands. So that in consideration of the above somebody had better get a move on themselves


Cincinnati Post, Thursday, 2 August 1894, page 1

Advertisements were inserted in the daily papers in all parts of the country for S P Reasoner, who was formerly a soldier at Newport Barracks, but who disappeared in 1869. No answers were received which led to locating him. Finally, the records of the Pension Department were consulted, Reasoner was found. He was living in Mississippi and drawing a pension.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 8 September 1894, page 3


Many transfers made by an order issued from Headquarters. The Newport Barracks abandoned and the Garrison at Fort Thomas strengthened. Sixth regiment-Company E from Newport Barracks to Fort Thomas Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 March 1895, page 6


The regular season for drills out doors will begin April 1. Lieutenant Saffarans is sick in his quarters. The regimental treasurer has received from Columbus Barracks about $200 for the band fund. This amount comes from the fund which became available when the recruiting depot was broken up a short time ago and the band at the barracks dissolved.

There will be two additions to the commissioned force at Fort Thomas during the summer. From personal letters received it is learned that Lieutenant W P Burnham, who is on College duty at Manlius NY and Lieutenant Benjamin Poore, who is on duty at West Point NY will both join form duty the latter part of August or early in September.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 March 1895, page 6


Musician C W Woodson, Company B, received his discharge yesterday. The appointments of Fred Schwarz, Company H and Charles Noll, Company F, as Lance Corporals have been renewed by the commanding officer.

Private Martin P Chandler, Company A, has received a furlough for three months.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 25 April 1895, page 6

Military Convict Hughes was discharged from the service yesterday, after completing a sentence of one year in the guard house for desertion.  Pending the sodding and improvements which Colonel Cochran is putting on the main parade, guard mounting will be held on the small parade grounds on the river front.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 27 April 1895, page 6

Inspection will take place this morning at 9 o'clock, followed by guard mounting and a band concert. Recruit Thomas Mayfield reported for duty yesterday and was assigned to Company C.  Private Leroy S Hotchkiss, Company A, has been granted a furlough for three months.  He left yesterday for Madison Ind. where he will spend his leave.  Sergeant Edward Curey, Company H, returned from the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, much improved in health.  He has been absent since December, undergoing treatment for rheumatism.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 19 June 1895, page 7

Chaplain and Mrs. Springer are occupying Quarters No 42. Private William Doorley, Company F, was honorable discharge yesterday after five years service.  This afternoon Lieutenant Saffarrans, with the post signal detachment, will take up a position on top of the water tower and communicate with the rifle range by means of the heliograph.

Robert Jackson, who accompanies the Cree Indians as interpreter, is well known to some of the older members of the Sixth Infantry. During former days, when the regiment was campaigning among the Bad Lands of Dakota "Bob" frequently made his appearance with dispatches from the commanding General.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 31 July 1895, page 6


Colonel G W Candee, Chief Paymaster will be here from Chicago next week and pay the troops. Messrs. Pursur's Sons of Newport, are the successful bidders for the shoeing of the public animals during the fiscal year. Lieutenant Taggart is detailed as a member of the garrison court, vice Captain Byrne, relieved.

This morning the troops of the command will be mustered. The muster will be preceded by a review and inspection. Assembly at 9 o'clock. After muster there will be a guard mounting and a band drill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 October 1895, page 6


Lieutenant H H Bandholtz has been relieved from special duty in the charge of gymnastic drills and returned to duty with Company C. Lieutenant Bandholtz has returned from his home where he was called by the illness of his father. Captain W W Gibson, Ordnance Department stationed at Cleveland Ohio, visited his brother, Surgeon Robert J Gibson yesterday.

Private James Hewitt, Company H has been transferred to Columbus Barracks. The retirement of Colonel Edwin F Townsend, Twelfth Infantry , places Lieutenant W C Bennett, stationed here, fifth on the list for promotion to a First Lieutenancy.

Lieutenant S W Dunning, Sixteenth Infantry, who has been visiting Lieutenant B A Poore, leaves for his station at Salt Lake City today. Surgeon William H Gardner is expected soon to take the place of Surgeon J C Worthington, ordered to Vancouver Barracks, Washington. Surgeon Gardner is at present stationed in Texas.

Second Lieutenant William W Harts, Engineer Corps, has been ordered for duty in Cincinnati under the orders of the United States Engineer officers. Lieutenant W E Gleason, Signal officer, drills and instructs in signaling every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 December 1895, page 6


Lieutenant Poore is sick in quarters. Private Frank Griffin, a deserter from the Twenty-second Infantry has been brought here from Louisville and will be tried by a general court martial.

Private Wilson, the insane soldier who was brought here as a deserter from Columbus Barracks, will be sent to the Government hospital for the insane at Washington DC as soon as arrangements are completed.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 January 1896, page 6


Private Bingley, Company A, has applied for his discharge. He will enter the Soldiers' Home at Washington. Private W J Ronan, Company H, has been transferred to Company G, Seventeenth Infantry, at Columbus Barracks. He will leave for his new station at the end of the week.

Captain A M Wetherill, Lieutenants E F Taggart and D W Ryther are detailed on a Board of Officers to dispose of the effects of the late Private Daniei, Company D. Lieutenant Lucien Young, of the Navy, read an interesting paper before the Army and Navy Club in Washington last week on the subject of "The Battle of Lepanto."


Cincinnati Enquirer, 24 May 1896, page 6

The death of First Lieutenant Charles B Gatewood, Sixth Cavalry is reported from Fortress Monroe Va. Major Minor left yesterday upon an inspection tour of colleges at Lexington. Georgetown and other points, He will be absent about 10 days.

The order for the troops to attend the Tennessee Centennial has been issued. Lieutenant Colonel Egbert with four companies, will leave here on the 29th for Nashville. The troops will be absent about a week. The companies designated to go are Company A, Wetherill, B Baker; D Thibaut, and E Penny.

The reenlistment of Private Dennis Barry Company A, for Company B, Thirteenth Infantry, was authorized upon his discharge at Ft Thomas. Private John H Pieper, Company E, was discharged by order yesterday.

Private Conrad F Babel, Company C was detailed on special duty in the general mess yesterday, Vice Private Arnold, relieved.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 23 August 1896, page 22

Captain T G Townsend visited the post on Thursday en route to the mountains of Virginia, where he is spending his leave with his family. The Captain has been in bad health for some time and has been before an army retiring board at Chicago. The action of the board has not been made public yet, but the Captain will probably be placed on the retired list as his health will not admit of his doing active service.

Lieutenant Charles Byrne, who has been absent some months on duty in Washington, will return for duty here tomorrow. Lieutenant C L Beckurts, Adjutant will return tomorrow from a three weeks leave spent at Harbor Point Mich. where Mrs. Beckurts is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Tilghman Pickering.

Chaplain and Mrs. Ruter W Springer left on Tuesday to spend a few weeks with Hon W M Springer at Mackinac Island. Lieutenant and Mrs. Harry D Lee will arrive here in the middle of the week. Lieutenant Lee has recently been transferred to the regiment here from a regiment stationed in Arizona and has been on leave visiting in the East.

Captain J F Munson left on Sunday evening last for New York and the East. After visiting for some weeks he will go to Cleveland, which place he will make his home. The Captain has been granted a leave until November, when he passes to the retired list of the army, having served over 30 years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 5 August 1897, page 7

Ft Thomas

Lieutenant W E Gleason left yesterday morning for Van Vert, Ohio, having been called home by the serious illness of his father.  The funeral of the daughter of Captain and Mrs. R B Turner will take place from the quarters of the Captain this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Lieutenant F L Munson leaves today to join his station at Madison Barracks, New York. Private Albert Sleeth Company D, received his discharge yesterday, having served for over six years in Company D. Private Samuel Brown, Company D, was granted an honorable discharge yesterday on completing three years and three months.


Cincinnati Post, Wednesday, 13 April 1898, page 2

Ted Sullivan has made a place on his Dubuque team for J "Reddy" Mack, Newport's old soldier.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 23 August 1898, page 7

Seven hundred more recruits for the Sixth Regiment are desired and every able bodied man is gladly received at Ft. Thomas. Yesterday these men were secured: Louis Stath, Cincinnati; Fred Zeller, Cincinnati; Carey S Ferris, Cincinnati; Henry Hess, Boone Co Ky. Charles White, Brown Co Oh; Wesley McLain, Feesburg Oh; Ferris and Hess were recruited for the Hospital Corps.

The following men from the Hospital Corps at Ft. Thomas have been transferred to the hospital train plying between the fort and all points from which patients are taken; A D McCombs, Charles Phipps, H J Burton and Mark Hardin.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 October 1898, page 8

From a telegram received at the post on Thursday by the Post Quartermaster, asking if the regiment had sufficient tentage to cover it while in Camp at San Antonio, it looks very much as though the regiment would be in camp for some time after their arrival in Texas. Major W R Hall, commanding general hospital, received a telegram directing him to send 10 men of the Hospital Corps to Fortress Monroe at once. The men will be designated and leave today.

Privates Heintz, Hospital Corps; McIsaac, Sixth and Brook, Sixth United States Infantry, were yesterday taken into the general hospital for treatment. Privates Harry Malchus, Company C Twelfth United States Infantry; James A Hartley, Company K Second Virginia Infantry and Musician Edward Henley, Company F Tenth United States Infantry, were returned to duty and ordered to join their stations.

Charles B Carver, of Springfield Ohio, was enlisted for the Hospital Corps yesterday. Although no more men are needed for duty at this hospital, the enlisting continues and the men are sent to other stations when they are required.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 1 Jan 1899, page 3

The following men were returned to duty yesterday: Corporal Wilbert Hornington, Company L, First territorial V I Albany Ga. Private Elmer E Ripley, Company I First Territorial V I Albany Ga. Private Fred N Carter, Company H, Fourth Virginia V I Ft Thomas.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 Sep 1899, page 12

It was a hustling and bustling day at Ft Thomas yesterday with the officers and men of the Forty-eighth Volunteer Regiment. A telegram was received early in the day by Captain Jackson, Post Commandant, that the Department Battalion of the Second Infantry had left New York and would probably arrive last last night or early this morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 April 1900, page 6

By order of Captain Webster the troops of this command will be paraded for inspection and muster this morning. The troops will form on the parade grounds and hospital corps men and casuals will be inspected later.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 10 January 1901, page 8

Corporal Possum has been promoted to Sergeant in Company B Second Infantry, and Musician Schornowske appointed a Corporal in the same company.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 July 1901, page 7

Lieutenant Ross, a native of the Highlands and late Corporal in the Second Infantry, has been commissioned a Second Lieutenant and assigned to the Artillery Corps. He is now in the Philippines, but will soon be returned to the United States.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 9 August 1901, page 11


Colonel Bennett, CSA, retired and Captain Muir, Second Infantry, arrived at this fort yesterday and have taken up quarters in Officer's Row. Lieutenant Colonel Rice, who has been ordered to supersede Major Claggett as post commander, is expected here either today or tomorrow.

Private Frank J Sullivan, Company L, Second Infantry, now at this fort, has been assigned to the Depot Battalion. Private Barton C Jones and Arthur Camp, who were ordered to report at this port from Columbus Barracks, are absent without leave. Lieutenant Charles W Barker and Clarence M Furay, recently appointed from civil life, have been assigned to the Second Infantry and ordered to this post.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 September 1901, page 7

Private Walter Gray, Company D, Second Infantry, was tried for desertion and sentenced to a dishonorable discharge and confinement at hard labor for 18 months.  Gray, it will be recalled, escaped from a sentry a few days ago and ran the gauntlet of a fusillade of shots from sentries, but was afterward recaptured. Corporal James F Keenan, Company A, Second Infantry, has been granted a three months' furlough.

Private Virgil Foultz, Company A, Eighth Infantry and Private Harry Meyers, Seventy-eighth Company of Coast Artillery, were both tried by general Court martial convened at this post and found guilty of desertion and sentenced to a dishonorable discharge and 10 months confinement at hard labor.

Sergeant Willie McHale, Company D Second Infantry, having been tried by general Court marital convened at this post and found guilty of conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline upon the citation of six previous convictions was sentenced to be dishonorably discharged. Private Geo Hoffman, Company A, Second Infantry, has been sent to the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. for treatment.

Private Harold M Weir, Company D, Second Infantry, late clerk in the Adjutant's office at this post, left yesterday for Syracuse NY where he was ordered on general recruiting duty. Private Charles E Schryer, general service USA who was tried by general Court martial convened at this post and found guilty of unmilitary conduct and sentenced to one month's imprisonment, has been ordered to Columbus Barracks for duty, the sentence having been remitted.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 November 1901, page 7

Edward P Pfeiffer, a deserter from Company M Twenty-ninth Infantry, in confinement at this post, was discharged yesterday without honor. Private Hubert Rivers, Company B Second Infantry, was discharged yesterday by expiration of service. Private J Leland Boss, member of Recruiting party at Knoxville Tenn. has been transferred to the Second Infantry and assigned to Company C.

Second Lieutenant Gideon H Williams having reported at this post for temporary duty, was ordered yesterday to proceed to Governor's Island NY preparatory to sailing for Puerto Rico, his future station.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 November 1901, page 8

The old Park Roberta saloon in the Midway, which has been the scene of many disorderly events within the past few months, was closed yesterday preparatory to fumigation. Private Samuel Fogg, Company B Fourteenth Infantry, reported here yesterday from Ft. Wayne, Mich. absent without leave and was assigned to Company B Second Infantry.

Battalion Sergeant Major Montgomery and Musician John Williams left yesterday for Carlisle, Ky. to visit the latter's parents and engage in a few days hunt. Lieutenant Paul C Hutton, Post Surgeon left yesterday for Columbus Barracks to attend a detachment of recruits to San Francisco.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 14 January 1903, page 8

George Fillmore, charged with desertion from Company A, Third Infantry, was found guilty of desertion and sentenced to be dishonorable discharged and to 18 months imprisonment at Ft Sheridan Ill. Charles M Sanford, a deserter from the Seventy-ninth Company, Coast Artillery, received a similar sentence.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 9 June 1904, page 9

Mrs. James Ashby, mother of Albert Naliby, who was killed in Covington is prostrated with grief. Two physicians were called yesterday to attend her. He was her only child. The funeral will take place Sunday morning from the residence on O'Fallon avenue.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 16 September 1904, page 9

Private information was received here yesterday to the effect that Companies A and D of the Ninth Infantry, at Madison Barracks, New York, are under orders to proceed to this post for station, and will leave New York September 21, arriving here on the 22n inst. It is not thought that they will relieve the two companies of the Twenty-ninth Infantry now garrisoning the post, as no orders have been received to that effect.

The troops stationed at this post will be paid today for the month ending August 31. Squire Sherman Thomas has gone to Atlanta, Ga. where he was called by a telegram announcing the mortal illness of his sister, Mrs. E Q Quinn.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 26 October 1904, page 9

Captain M E Saville, Twenty-seventh Infantry, left yesterday for Ft Sheridan Ill. where he was ordered on general Court marshal duty.

Lieutenant Kneeland S Snow, Ninth Infantry reported for duty yesterday after a leave of absence.

Sergeant George Wood, Company B Twenty-seventh Infantry, with 54 privates, will conduct 10 general prisoners to Columbus Barracks today.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 March 1905, page 5

Oscar R King, Forty-third Company Coast Artillery and Walter Reaver, Troop C Third Cavalry were found guilty of desertion and sentenced to be dishonorably discharged after 18 months confinement.

The two month of son of Sergeant Christy, Company D Ninth Infantry, died yesterday morning.

George C Kaltenbach enlisted yesterday for the Ninth Infantry and was assigned to Company A.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 10 September 1905, page 7

Major J C F Tillson, Fourth Infantry, reported yesterday from detached service at the North Georgia College, Dahlonega, Ga. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter and they are now stopping at the Altamont Hotel.

The enlisted men of the Fourth Infantry will entertain with a dance Saturday, September 15, at the post gymnasium, for the benefit of the Fourth Infantry ball team. The full regiment band will furnish the music.

Captain Jarvis, Fourth Infant5ry, has been granted a ten days leave of absence and accompanied by his wife, left yesterday for Clarksburg W Va. James R Neal, an alleged deserter from the One Hundred and Sixteenth Company, Coast Artillery, was brought here yesterday from Terre Haute Ind. where he was apprehended by the civil authorities.

Lieutenant R H Kelly, Fourth Infantry is engaged in preparing a military map of this section of the United States. The work was commenced by the War Department in 1897, but was interrupted by the Spanish American War.

Earle E Tanner, son of Corporal Tanner, who has just been elected Commander in Chief of The GAR has been transferred from the Seventh Infantry to the Fourth Infantry and will report at this post some time this month.

Mrs. J C Castner, accompanied by her son and mother, Mrs. White, has joined her husband Captain Castner at this post. The prisoners will be transferred from the old guardhouse to the new military prison today. Estimates have been prepared for the conversion of the old guardhouse, if the War Department approves, into a post exchange and post chapel.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 June 1906, page 9

The marriage of Private Nicholi L Nelson, Company L Fourth Infantry and Miss Bertha Meyers of Oneonta Ky. which occurred on May 28, was announced yesterday. Chaplain Hunter performed the ceremony.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 June 1907, page 5

Companies E and F which have been at Charleston W Va. are expected at the post tonight. The following is the official list of officers and enlisted men who qualified as expert riflemen at the range this week:

Capt. Switer and Lieut. Hoffman; Fourth Infantry: Quartermaster Sergeant Nagel, Sergt. Boss, Corporal Schaffer and Privates Cornet, Cumberlege, Matthews and Miracle, Company J: Corporal Summers, Cook Kentner, Musicians Roberts and Private Chagnon. Company M, Fourteen qualified as sharpshooters out of Company I and 10 out of Company M.

Several of the companies at the post will leave Monday, under the command of Maj. Tilson, for a 40 days stay at Springfield Ill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 December 1907, page 10

A garrison Court was convened yesterday for the trial of Corporal Henry Carter, Company B Fourth Infantry, charged with neglect of duty while on guard. The detail comprises of Captain Simmons, Captain G H B Smith, Lieutenant Goodwin, with Lieutenant Hardigan as Judge Advocate.

Captain Jarvis, Fourth Infantry has been granted a twenty-day leave of absence. Lieutenant Bloom has been designated to command Company M during Captain Jarvis absence. Lieutenant Brady, Fourth Infantry is ill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 August 1908, page 9

A firing squad comprising seven private and a Corporal under Ordnance Sergeant Geager, was detailed to go to Cincinnati yesterday morning to attend the funeral of Lieutenant Mellugh, retired, First Infantry.

Major Slaughter, Assistant Paymaster, Department of the Lakes, after paying the troops stationed at this post yesterday, left last night for Camp Perry to pay the two battalions of the Second Infantry there.


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