Theresa Halting


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 14 May 1866, page 3


TERRIBLE SUICIDE-A FEMALE CUTS HER THROAT WITH A CUTLASS-Mrs. Theresa Halting, who resided with her husband and three children at No 10 David street, has for fifteen years, been afflicted with paroxysms of insanity and repeatedly has threatened to put an end to her existence.  Twelve years ago she attempted to carry this threat into effect by drowning, but was rescued before accomplishing her object. Her husband and friends knowing her frailty have closely watched her.

Yesterday afternoon, however, while her husband was in the yard, she seized a cutlass and laying herself on the bed, plunged its sharp point into her throat almost through to the back part of the neck. She was dead almost instantly. This is the eighth case of suicide in seven weeks in this city.

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