Teachers Election of 1870

Cincinnati Dailey Enquirer, 22 June 1870, page 7


The School Board met last evening, President Lewis in the chair and all the members present. After the reading of the minutes, the committee appointed to examine the applications and certificates of candidates for positions as teachers in the Newport Public Schools presented the following report which was unanimously adopted byt the Board.

W H Jones, Superintendent
A Ellis, Principal of Cabot street School
Mrs. H Klingner, teacher of German
Miss Lav Hamsworth, teacher of penmanship
Mrs. Ross, teacher of High School
Miss McConnell, A Grade, Intermediate
Miss Gipp, B Intermediate
Miss Surran, A Primary
Miss Goodrich, B Primary
Miss White, D Primary
Miss Lucy Hainsworth, B Primary
Miss Spring, B Primary
Miss Hoyt, C Primary
Miss Craig, C Primary
Miss Nealeans, C Primary
Miss Ryder, D Primary
Miss Purser, D Primary
Mrs. Shields, D Primary
Miss Alexander, D Primary
Miss Hawthorne, D Primary
Miss Neall, D Primary
Miss Truman, E Primary
Miss S Payne, E Primary
Miss C Payne, E Primary
Miss Gerhard, E York street Primary School
Miss Park, F Primary
Miss Waterhouse, F Primary
Miss Perry, F Primary
Miss Lysle, F Primary
Miss Dekins, F Primary

Mr. P Hickey was unanimously re-elected as janitor to the Seminary and York street building and Mr. R Martin as janitor to the Cabot street school.


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