Taylor Home Guards

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 6 June 1861, page 3


MILITARY-The Union Men of this city, heretofore comprising a portion of the "Home Guard" have organized themselves into a company and have mutually honored themselves and their patron (Colonel James Taylor) by adopting the name "The Taylor Guards".

They are all union men unconditional, true and loyal in their faith; and when in full ranks, drilled, armed and uniformed as they expect soon to be, our city may well be proud of them, either as a Home Guard or a military organization. The following officers have been elected and qualified:

Captain John Putnam Jackson; First Lieutenant M J King; Second Lieutenant Richard J Dalton; Third Lieutenant Z B Coffin; First Sergeant W Shearon; Second Sergeant C Tifft; Third Sergeant W Legras; Quartermaster William U Air.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 28 July 1861, page 3

TAYLOR GUARDS-We have before spoken of the picnic of the Taylor Guards, which took place at Parlor Grove on Thursday last, but we neglected to state the result of the jubilee.

They netted for the benefit of the company some three hundred dollars, and besides they brought home a wagon load of provisions, which were on Friday distributed among the poor of the city.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 3 August 1861, page 3

The Taylor Home Guards joined yesterday in the reception of the Ohio Volunteers and we thought they made quite a good a military appearance as any company on the opposite side of the river.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Friday, 16 August 1861, page 3

The Taylor Guards of Newport, joined by the Union Guards of Covington, took up their fine march yesterday morning for Johns Hill, where they had a grand picnic. There was a large attendance of ladies and gentlemen in the festivities.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 21 August 1861, page 2

The Home Guards of Jamestown, Brooklyn and Newport, have concluded to join together and form a regiment for the protection of the neutrality laws of Kentucky. These companies will meet at an early day to elect a Colonel for the regiment and we hear named as candidates for that office Z B Coffin, M J King, Gus Artsman, Captain Hermann, Peter Constans, Captain William E Air, Colonel R B McCracken, Captain J P Jackson, Colonel Kennett, Major Root and Henry Gassaway, either of whom would make a most efficient officer.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 12 September 1861, page 3

TAYLOR GUARDS-We understand that a recruiting office has been opened on York street, a few doors above the Barlow House, to recruit men for the Taylor Guards, in command of Captain John P Jackson.  We further learn that when the company is full, it will go into camp as a portion of Colonel Mark Munday's Regiment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 22 September 1861, page 3

There has been a call for the Washington Artillery Company, in command of Captain Ashton to report themselves to Louisville. The members have signified their willingness to leave and have made their arrangements to leave tomorrow taking their two beautiful cannons with them.

The Taylor Guards, now in Camp King, have signified a wish to be of the party and they have resolved to join General Anderson immediately, if they are sent for.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Friday, 1 November 1861, page 4

The Taylor Guards, composed of part of that company raised in Newport Ky. together with the Pendleton Guards are now at Camp Dalton, three miles this side of Paris Ky. There are now in the company eighty three men, commanded by Captain Dalton and First Lieutenant Wright, both competent officers.


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