

Cincinnati Enquiarer, 17 Dec 1878, page 4


At the residence of her son-in-law, Captain James T Williamson, on Front street, Newport, Ky. December 16, 1878, Mrs. Susan Sterrett Barr Spencer, widow of the late Dr. John C Spencer, USN, died yesterday in the sixty-fifth year of her age.

Mrs. Spencer was attacked with apoplexy at ten o'clock Sunday morning, and remained unconscious to her death, which took place at eight o'clock yesterday morning.  For many months past the deceased has been a patient sufferer.  Mrs. Spencer was born February 1, 1813, at the corner of Lower Market and Main street, a location at that time considered the suburbs of Cincinnati. She was the third daughter of Major William and Mary Sterrett Barr, who were both natives of Cincinnati, Major Barr being the senior partner of the well known dry goods firm of Barr & Blatchley, and the owner of an extensive farm, now bounded by Barr, Mound and Freeman streets.

The deceased was  in 1835, married to John C Spencer, Surgeon USN, a brother of the Hon Henry E Spencer, now living on Third street.  Mrs. Spencer leaves two daughters, Mrs. James T Williamson and Mrs. Colonel William E Merrill, and two sons, all residing in Newport.  The deceased has not enjoyed good health since the death of her son, Thomas Corry Spencer, Master United States navy, in 1874, at Panama, to whom she was deeply attached.

He was her pride and joy and well he may have been, for amore noble sailor was not in the Navy.  The bravery displayed by the noble fellow off Point Zapolittan, Mexico, by his diving into the surf three times each time at the risk of his life; the first time bringing out Lieutenant Hutchins, the second time Boatswain Smith and the last time the lifeless body of John McInnes, all comrades of his on the United States steamer, Portsmouth.

Mrs. Spencer was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, and was one of the eight who of a class of one hundred and sixty were all that remained to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of that Church last July.  the deceased has lived for many years past in Newport, where she has made many warm friends, who together with her numerous friends and relatives in Cincinnati and elsewhere, will sincerely pray that she may at last have rest of the feet of Him to whom she always looked up to for relief in her many afflictions and whose name was the last that left her lips.

The Rev Mr. Matthews, of Newport, will officiate at the obsequies on Wednesday next at 1 pm from the residence of Captain Williamson.  Her remains will be interred at Spring Grove.


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