Stuart Gordon Johnston

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 April 1944, page 1

Lieut. Stuart G "Buss" Johnston, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger B Johnston, 48 Woodland avenue, Ft Thomas, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross according to information received in a letter to his parents postmarked India.

Lieut. Johnston gave no reason for being given the DFC, although he has been in the Far East for the last four months and has been on 51 missions into enemy territory. He is a graduate of Highlands High School, the University of California and the University of Illinois. He received his commission as a lieutenant in the Army Air Forces Oct. 21, 1942.

He left for overseas duty on his last birthday, Oct 21. His father is an employee of the Wadsworth Watch Case Co. Dayton, in the repair shop.


Stuart was born 21 Oct 1919 in Ft Thomas, the son of Roger Johnston and Hazel Rustner. He died 27 Jan 1945 and was buried 8 June 1948 in the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville Ky. He was part of the 88 Fighter Squadron in the US Army 80th Fighter Group.


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