Early Residents and Stray Animals
By Daryl Polley
This record lists early Campbell County residents who reported finding stray animals. Apparently the finder protected his good name by contacting a local appraiser who would note the date found, description of the animal,, any identifying brand or mark and the estimated value of the animal. The appraiser would periodically make a trip to the courthouse where the information was recorded including the area where the finder lived. The handwriting is difficult to read with dates being frequently scribbled, abbreviated, incomplete or missing entirely. Every effort was made to avoid interpretation.
Finder/Place of Residence/Date/Appraiser
Allen, Hiram-on Main Licking/Jan 11, 1805/Sqr. Grant
Alley, Sa?-living on Dry Ridge 2 miles from mouth of Licking/December 25, 1802/George Hume, George Scott, O Scott J. C. C.
Ally, Samuel-Campbell County/December 26, 1803/Thomas Noble
Ally, Samuel-near Fowler Lick/May 4, 1804/ Thomas Nobel
Anderson, Henry-6 miles below mouth of Licking/July 8, 1795/no appraiser named
Anderson, William-Dry Ridge Road near Sheppards Tavern/July 1, 1799/George Hume
Anderson, William-waters Bank Lick/March 24, 1803/Thomas Noble
Arnett, William-near mouth of Fork lick/no date/Samuel Bryan
Baker, John-on Main Licking/January 22, 1800/Squire Grant
Barker, John-Hames Creek/October 30, 1798/Squire Grant
Beale, Benjamin-on Wells Creek/November 19, 1804/Frank Spilman
Beall, Benja.-------/Jany 19, 1807/James Kennedy
Beale, John-waters of Saliment? Creek/Jany 10, 1806/Thomas Lindsey
Bealle, John-near mouth of Three Mile/December 1803/Thomas Lindsey
Bell, James-near M Kennier Tavern/October 12, 1798/Thomas Lindsey
Berry, Washington-living of Ohio 2 miles above mouth of Licking/November 1, 1803/Archibald Brown
Berry, Washington -on Ohio about 2 miles above mouth of Licking/Mar 9, 1807/Edmund Taylor
Brady, Michael-on Bank lick Creek/May 17, 1803/Obediah Scott
Bryan, Mary-near Forks of the Licking/July 27, 1795/no appraiser names
Cain, Asle-near head of Bank lick/Apr 16/John Leathers
Campbell, Widow-on the Dry Ridge/no date/Presley Peak & Joseph Robinson
Carr, David M-Campbell County/Dec 4, 1805/Nath. Lynn
Casitiz?, Tras M-Licking Waters/February 18, 1797/William Arnold
Cenry, S-waters of Bank Lick/July 6, 1805/Thomas Noble J.P.C.C.
Cherry, Nicholas-living on Licking/February 17, 1802
Childers, Henry-near Mouth of Fork lick/March 20, 1796
Cooper, Christopher-Campbell County/Mar 9, 1807/Geo Cooper
Corson, Abel-Dry Creek/April 10, 1797/Thomas Kennedy
Cox, Daniel-on Dry Ridge/December 1803/George Hume
Craswell, Robert-on Ohio River/24 Dec 1804/B Beale
Crook, Jeremiah-near Mouth of Forklick/? 24, 1795/Samuel Bryan
Croshong, Jacob-on Crooked Creek/October 1795/Samuel Bryan
Croshong, Jacob-Crooked Creek/May 11, 1796/John Ewing
Cummins, William-near mouth of Licking/February 26, 1796/Thos Kennedy
Curey, Andrew-M? Lick Fork/December 18, 1797/Andrew Curey
Curry, William-Bank lick 5 miles from Ohio/December 19, 1801/O Scott
Curry, William-Bank Lick Creek 5 miles from mouth of Licking/15/O Scott J.C.C.
Custon, Coonrod-livery on Main Licking/January 6, 1802/Squire Grant
Daniel, William------/1804/Bartlett Graves
Dicken, Joseph-waters of Twelve Mile/December 1803/Frank Spilman
Downard, William-near Forks of Licking/September 8, 1796/John Cook
Ducker, John-Main Licking-found boat with name John Williams/May 29,1805/Bardell Graves
Duvile, John-Newport/December 17, 1796/H Brasher
Euchman, John-Newport/January 3, 1800/John Bartle
Ewing, John-Fork Lick/undated/James Miller
Ewing, John-Bank Lick/January 5, 1799/Ob Scott
Fendal, William-5 miles from Big Bone Lick/no date/Thomas Kennedy
Flourney, John J-Main Licking/May 21, 1799/Thomas Griffin
Flournay, John L-living on Main Licking River/January 22, 1802/Thomas Griffin
Flournuy, John J-on Main Licking/Dec 7, 1804/B Graves
Gaddis, Rus-opposite Columbia/undated/A Brown
Gaddis, Rus-opposite Columbia on the Ohio/no date/Thomas Noble J.P.C.C.
Gilgore, John-near Grants Mill/November 8, 1799/Thomas Griffing
Glaves, Matthew-near Mouth of Fork lick/February 20, 1796/John Ewing
Glore, Adam-Beach Wood near Big Bone Trace/December 14, 1797/O Scott
Gosney, Benjamin-Campbell County/May 11, 1805/Bardell Graves
Grant, John-Campbell County on Main Licking/January 24, 1800/John J Flourney
Grant, Jonathan-Wilmington/May 16, 1797/Squire Grant
Grant, Jonathan-Wilmington/May 19, 1797/John Ewing
Grant, Squire-near mouth of Pond Creek on Licking/February 1802/Frank Spilman
Graves, Major Bartlett-living on Main Licking/April 13, 1803/Squire Grant
Graves, Major Bartell-Campbell County/Jany 18, 1806/S Grant
Griffin, Jerimiah-Dry Creek 6 miles from mouth of Licking/April 28, 1806/Jos. Robinson
Griffin, Thomas-Main Licking/May 21, 1799/Jonathan J Flourney
Griffin, William-Main Licking-found a canoe/Feby 5, 1805/B Graves
Griffiny, Ebinezer-Main Licking/February 20, 1803/Bartlett Graves
Griffith, John-near McKinneys Tavern/December 7, 1799/Thomas Lindsey
Groshong, Jacob-near Mouth of Crooked Creek/? 30, 179?/John Cook
Groshorg, Jacob-Crooked Creek/? 25, 1797/John Ewing
Grubbs, James-near mouth of Pleasant Run on the Ohio/December 7, 1803/John Leathers
James Hammerley, James-Fork Lick/? 7, 1797/John Ewing
Johnson, Cornelius-living near mouth of Licking/September 24, 1803/Joseph Robinson
Hendricks/Hendrix, George-Blanket Creek near Falmouth/June 4, 1796/Samuel Bryan
Herrington, Bartholemew-Cruises' Creek/May 27, 1799/Thomas Griffin
Highfell, Jeremiah-near mouth of Fork lick/? 24, 1795/Samuel Bryan
Hume, John-near Mouth of Fork lick-Falmouth/January 6, 1797/George Hume
Hume, William-on South Fork of Licking 2 miles above mouth of Fork/August 15, 1796/John Ewing
Johnson, John-on Fork lick/March 1796/John Ewing
Johnson, Thomas-on Licking 9 miles from Newport/undated/H Brasher
Kellgore, Robert-Campbell County/June 12/Nathan Lynn
Kelly, George-mouth of Riffle Creek/October 21, 1798/Thomas Lindsey
Kelly, Nathan-Newport/September 14, 1795/Robert Bonham
Kennedy, James-near mouth of Stepstone/January 17, 1800/Thomas Lindsey
Kennedy, James-at his ferry on the Ohio-found a ferry boat/12 Mar 1805/Benj. Beale
Kennedy, James----/Jany 22, 1807/-----
Kennedy, Thomas-Ohio at mouth of Licking/August 21, 1802/Thomas Sanford
Kilgore, John-Grassy Creek/June 23, 1798/Jonathan Robertys
Killgore, John-Campbell County/July 1, 1806/Nathan Lynn
Kyle, Robert-near Mouth of Licking/December 31, 1800/Thomas Kennedy
Kyle, Robert-near Newport/February 17, 1803/Joseph Robinson
Lanier, James-at the Forks of Licking/June 7, 1796/John Cook
Lanier, James-Forks of Licking-Falmouth/December 31, 1796/George Hume
Leathers, John-7 miles from mouth of Licking waters on Bank Creek/Apr 17, 1805/B Beale
Lewis, David-Newport/Nov 13, 1806/Geo Porter
Lindsey, Thomas-near Newport/September 26, 1796/John Bartle
Lindsey, Thomas-near McKinneys Tavern/1799/A Brown
Litefoot, Jonathan-Grassy Creek/May 1, 1799/Jonathan Ewing
Littell, James-Dry Ridge/November 7, 1797/James Little
Lindsey, Thomas-near Leitches Station/August 12, 1799/Archibald Brown
Lindsey, Thomas Jr. on the waters of Morgan's Run/January 31, 1800/Thomas Lindsey
Lindsey, Thomas Jr.-waters of Morgan's Run/November 21, 1803/Thomas Lindsey
Lockwood, Samuel-near Falmouth/? 27, 1798/Jonathan Cook
Loring, John-about 3 miles below Licking-also residence Ohio/December 22, 1796/Thomas Kennedy
Lunson, John-East Fork of Walls Creek/February 2/Benj. Beale
Lynn, Nathan-Dry Ridge between Reids & Arnolds/March 21, 1798/Jonathan Robertys
Lynn, Nathan-Dry Ridge about 25 miles (unreadable) mouth Licking River/Jan 12, 1806/O Scott
Martin, James-Middle Fork of Grassy Creek/March 15, 1799/John J Flouinoy
Martin, John-2 miles from Thomas Kennedy's on G F Road/undated/George Hume
McClehan, Thomas-waters of Crooked Creek/16 May 1798/George Hume
McCraine, Daniel-waters of Harris' Creek/April 27, 1799/Thomas Griffing
Mernan, John-near Leitches Station/? 17, 1795/Thos Kennedy
Mernam, John-near Leitches Station/December 12, 1797/Thomas Lindsey
Miller, James-10 Mile Station/January 19, 1796/Thos Kennedy
Miller, John Corrod-waters of Licking mouth of Bartles Run/April 28, 1806/Thomas Lindsey
Miller, West-near Newport-found 4 boats/December 30, 1802/Jacob Fouler
Morgan, Charles-near mouth of Three Mile on Licking/February 7, 1800/Archibald Brown
Morgan, Enoch-East Fork Bank lick Creek/Feby 10, 1806/Nathan Lynn
Morris, James-Harrises Creek/20 June 1798/Mathias Corwin
Munroany?, William-near Reeds Tavern/January 16, 1797/Thomas Kennedy
Neel, John-Ohio/Sep 26, 1805/Jacob Fowler
Noble, Thomas--------/December 18, 1801/O Scott
Noble, Thomas-on waters of Bank lick/Nov 15, 1805/Thomas Lindsey
Orr, John-living on Richland Creek/September 9, 1796/John Cook
Peak, Presley-near Mouth Licking/June 12, 1797/Obediah Scott
Perry, Da?-bank of Ohio opposite Columbia/Oct 13, 1806/Thos Lindsey
Perry, John-on the Ohio opposite Columbia/December 23, 1800/John Bartle
Perry, Mary-Ohio opposite Columbia/January 8, 1798/Thomas Kennedy
Picket, William-on the waters of Bank lick/December 18, 1801/O Scott
Pickle, Henry-near Mouth of Licking/November 9, 1797/Jonathan Bartle
Prescott, William-near mouth of Licking River/Jany 2, 1807/Joseph Robinson
Prewit, John-on the Georgetown Road 5 miles from A Reed/February 20, 1801/George Hume
Prewit, John-head Steep Creek about 4 miles from Ben Allen's Mile?/February 1804
Prewit, John-waters of Steep Creek/April 16, 1804/George Hume
Rennolds, Charles-near Newport/undated/H Brasher
Rice, Benjamin-near the head of Bank lick/August 1799/John Leathers
Rinkner, John-mouth of Wells Creek on the Ohio/Apr 8, 1805/B Beale
Roberts, John-near Mouth of Grassy Creek/no date/James McClure & William Stuard
Robinson, Joseph-near the mouth of Licking/Jan 2, 1806/Thomas Noble
Rout, William-near mouth of Fork lick/no date/Samuel Bryan
Ryle, John-on Ohio 3 miles below mouth of Big Miami/Oct 30,
1795/John Bush
Sanders, John-near Forks of Licking/November 16, 1795/Samuel Bryan
Sanders, John-near Forks of Licking/December 31, 1796/George Hume
Sanford, Colonel Thomas-near Mouth of Licking/October 25, 1803/Joseph Robinson
Scott, George-B Lick 6 miles from Ohio/December 1800/O Scott
Scott, George-living on Bank Lick Creek 6 miles from mouth of Licking/January 14, 1803/O Scott
Scott, George-on Bank Lick Creek 6 miles from mouth of Licking/15th/O Scott J.C.C.
Scott, O-living on Banklick Creek/June 18, 1803/Obediah
Scott, Obidiah-on Bank Lick/August 15, 1795/Thos Kennedy
Scott, Thomas-Bank lick/? 9, 1797/Obideah Scott
Scott, Thomas-Bank Lick/January 5, 1799/ Ob Scott
Senior, Briant-Bank lick/December 18, 1797/O Scott
Shark, Andrua-on Bank Lick/December 22, 1796/Thomas Kennedy
Simpson, John-Willis Creek/January 25, 1803/Benjamin Beall
Smith, Archibald-7 miles from Newport on Grassy Creek Road/Oct 13, 1806/Thos Lindsey
Smith, David-near Mouth of Wilers Creek/June 20, 1797/James Miller
Smith, George-Main Licking near Grants Lick/Jan 14, 1807/Sqr. Grant
Sparks, Elijah-Bank lick/March 8, 1803/Thomas Noble
Spilman, Frank-Dividing Ridge between Ohio & Licking/January 17, 1803/Squire Grant
Spilman, Frank-on road from Newport to Grassy Creek/April 11, 1804/Benj. Beale
Spilman, Frank-on the deviding ridge between Licking and Ohio/Feb 22, 1806/Sqr Grant
Standerford, George-on the Dry Ridge/December 29, 1795/James Lebtell
Stephens, Joseph-non-resident-found near Leitches Station & delivered to Thomas Lindsey/February 15, 1798/Thomas Lindsey
Stephens, William-Campbell County/July 1, 1806/Nathan Lynn
Stevens, Edward-East Fork Bank Lick/Dec 25, 1806/Nath. Lyons
Stevens, Thomas-13 miles from mouth of Licking on road to Washington/June 7, 1796/James Miller
Stuart, Bernard-on county road 5 miles from Newport/? 5, 1803/Thomas Lindsey
Stuert, John-on Forklick Creek/November 5, 1796/John Ewing
Taliaferro, Richard-Licking River 2 miles from the mouth/July 30/Jacob Fowler
Taylor, Edmund---------/May 1, 1806/Archibald Brown
Taylor, James-Ohio near Newport/January 29, 1798/Thomas Lindsey
Taylor, James-near Newport/December 14, 1798/Thomas Lindsey
Taylor, James-Main Licking about 3 miles from the mouth/Jany 13, 1805/A Brown
Thatcher, Daniel-waters of Welses Creek/Nov 14, 1805/Frank Spilman
Thatcher, Dave-Water Well Creek/February 22, 1803/F Spilman
Thompson, Clos-near Newport/February 1, 1803/Thomas Lindsey
Thompson, James-on road leading to Ruds & Arnolds Station/January 25, 1796/Thos Kennedy
Thompson, Samuel-near Newport/December 27, 1803/Thomas Lindsey
Thompson, William-at the Flag Spring/November 19/B. Beale
Thrasher, Josiah-Grassy Creek/July 4, 1798/Mathias Corwin
Thrasher, Joseph-Grassy Creek/December 1798/John Bartle
Vice, Nathaniel-------/December 14, 1798
Vice, Nathaniel------/December 13, 1802/J Bartle
Ware, Daniel-Four Mile Creek Campbell County/December 27, 1803/Frank Spilman
Welch, Edward-on waters of 3 Mile falling in the Ohio/Dec 19, 1804/Thos Lindsey Jr. J.C.C.
White, James-Riffle Creek/February 5, 1803/F Spilman
Wilson, William-Licking/September 3, 1799/Ob Scott
Windsor,Thomas-4 miles from mouth of Licking on Bank lick Creek/Dec 13, 1806/A Scott
Winston, John-near Fowlers Leep/Feb 6, 1805/Thomas Noble
Winstone, John-Campbell County/December 1803/Thomas Noble
Winstone, John-near Trowlers Lick/February 18, 1804/Thomas Noble
York, Jeremiah-Kincades Creek/April 11, 1796/Samuel Bryan