Stephen Collins Pension

Pension #10484

County of Campbell, State of Kentucky: On March 2nd, of the year of 1832, before the judge of the said county, Stephen Collins took oath and made his declaration to the effect that he was at the age of 78 years and a resident of the said county in order to obtain the benefit of Congress.

He states that he had first entered the service in either the month of Monarch or the first of the month of April of the year 1775. He stated that he had thus volunteered as a soldier in the company under the command of Captain Toniala Starr in New Milford in the county of Teighfield in the state of Connecticut. The said pensioner also stated that he has no documentary evidence and that he knew of no one who can testify as to his services in the said War of the Revolution on the side of the United States of America.

Subscribed and signed the day and year aforesaid. (signed) Stephen Collins


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