Stanley Robert Bauer

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 February 1944, page 1

In a letter to his wife Mrs. Betty Bauer, of 13 Mill street, Newport, Pvt. Stanley Bauer, 29, a member of the US Marines, told of being wounded in the shoulder by a Jap sniper and has been awarded the Purple Heart.

While Pvt. Bauer failed to disclose in his letter where he sustained the injury, he is believed to have been with the Marine forces to invade and capture Tarawa. Pvt. Bauer entered the Marines in September 1942, and has been on overseas duty for the last 10 months.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 January 1945, page 1

PFC Stanley R (Spike) Bauer, 29, husband of Mrs. Betty Bauer and son of Robert Bauer, both of 13 Mill street, Newport, was wounded in action Sept. 29 on Pelellu Islands, The Navy Department advised the family. He entered the Marines 27 months ago and was sent overseas 20 months ago. He was previously wounded in action Jan 3, 1944.


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