Stacy Reeves

Court Order Book 2 Page 75, August 1818

On the motion of  Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Stacy Reeves, Henry Baker, William
Carson and George Tibbets or any 3 of them being first sworn do view and mark out
a road to leave Licking Road near James Taylor's farm called Mill farm thence to the said
Smith's horse mill thence from said horse mill to intersect the road from the Mouth of
Bank Lick to the County road which is intended as a pass way to said Smith's Horse Mill
and that they report the conveniences and inconveniences of said road.
Deed Book N, page 398, recorded 29 Mar 1831

Indenture made 29 Mar 1851 between Jacob Coones and Mary Coones, his wife of the
county of Campbell and Stacy Reeves of the same county of the other part.  Jacob and Mary for $200 sell all that certain tract of land situated in the county of Campbell being a part of a survey in the name of Edmund Taylor and the end farthest "from the river for Sarah Eastin and Mary Taylor containing 100 acres more or less. 

Signed-Jacob Coones and Mary Coones X (their mark)
Deed Book I-J, page 500, recorded 2 October 1833

Indenture made 2 October 1835 between Joseph Coones of the county of Campbell of the one part and James C Coones of the same county of the other part.  Joseph for $650 sells his undivided interest in a tract of land in Campbell County containing 100 acres more or less being the same tract conveyed to the said Joseph and James Coones by Stacy Reeves by deed dated 24 May 1831. 

 Signed Joseph Coones, Nancy G Coones


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