Stacy Reeves

by Historian Margaret Strebel Hartman

"In the month of May, 1818, a camp-meeting was held about six miles South of Newport, on the land owned by Stacey Reeves, and called Reeves' Camp-ground. This was the first camp-meeting ever held in that section of the State..."
From papers of Rev A H Redford

 "Camp-meetings were used by a11 the denominations. Meeting-houses were not numerous and were too small to accommodate the people. A place would be selected near a large spring, where there was plenty of shade, a stand and rude pulpit would be erected, a brush arbor would be constructed, logs arranged in a semi-circle, or puncheons served to seat the people. The women were gathered on one side and the men on the other.  They were not allowed to sit together. Camp fires were built around the place of worship to light the ground at night, with a few tallow candles or grease lamps about the speakers' stand. The people came on horse-back, in wagons, or on sleds, though many would walks The people came by the thousands, and many were led to Christ in the four or five days devoted to the meeting. There was much prayer and testimony and personal work during one of these meetings. People were there far a holy purpose. Nearly every great spiritual awakening is attended by a revival of song."

He was on the tax list that year for the 100 acres of land in the David Leitch patent deeded to him by Philip Turpin and also for 80 acres of land, lot 9 of the Edmund Taylor patent, which he had purchased from James and Keturah Taylor, dated May 24, 1826.

Stacy Reeves, the owner of Reeve's Camp Ground, was married in Mason County, Kentucky, by Rev Caleb Jervis Taylor on February 4, 1802 to Sarah Lawrence, a daughter of Michel and Elizabeth Lawrence. The marriage bond is dated February 2nd with Samuel Reeves as the bondsman; Jacob Youngman and John Dicks were witnesses.

Stacy Reeves first appears on the Campbell County tax list on May 3, 1809 at which time he was taxed for one white male above 21 and 2 horses.  His father-in-law Michael Lawrence is also on the tax list for the first time being taxed on 100 acres 3rd rate land on Three Mile Creek in the Leitch and Kennedy patent and for 1 horse.

It was on January 22, 1810 that Stacy Reeves and Jacob Youngman court appointed to appraise the estate of Michael Lawrence.  The valuation was made on February 3.  A daughter of Michael and Elizabeth, Margaret Trickett, who was living in Monongahela County Virginia, gave a power of attorney on May 31, 1811 for her son, William to act for her in regard to the estate of her father.  For value received on June 20, William assigned her interest to Stacy.

On February 12, 1812 Stacy was appointed a justice of the peace by Governor Scott.  On March 23 he was appointed commissioner of the tax within the bounds of Captain David Reese's Company of Militia.  In 1813 he served for Captain William Smith's Company and in 1817 and 1818 for Captain Thomas Reese's Company.

On December 23, 1818, Rebecca Reeves, daughter of Stacy and Sarah, married Solomon Johnson Scott.  On July 23, 1831 Mary Reeves, daughter of Stacy and Sarah, married Thomas Newton.

On January 27, 1834 Reeves was "commissioned Sheriff of this County and with Thomas G Tupmen, John Cooper, Isaac Cooper, James C Coons, John Colvin, Lewis Reeves and Wm H Lacy as his securities."  On September 28th Samuel W Tarvin was made his deputy.  His term expired November 24, 1835. 

On June 5, 1838 Stacy and his wife Sarah deeded to Campbell County 60 acres of land on the "West side of the state road leading from Newport to Alexandria and near the Town of Alexandria at the price of $6 per acre for the purpose of establishing a poor house".

By June 5, 1838 Stacy and Sarah were living in Putnam County, Indiana.  On this date they deeded to George Winter, Matthew Oswald and William Winter the balance of the land they owned in our county for a total of $2740.

Deeds of Stacy Reeves

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