Spencer C Reeves

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 14 January 1907, page 8


Spencer C Reeves, one of the oldest and best known citizens in the city, died suddenly yesterday at his home, 224 Fairfield avenue. When his daughter went ito his room to call him yesterday morning, she was horror stricken to find him cold in death. The deceased had been in good health for one of his age, 77 years. He was a resident of Bellevue all of his life.

The reception given by Miss Bella Reeves, which was to have taken place tomorrow night, has been postpones on account of the death of her father.

Coroner Digby returned a verdict of heart disease. Mr. Reeves was identified to a great degree in the growth of Bellevue, having been engaged in the real estate business for many years. In his early days he was a dancing master and was well known throughout the county.

He leaves four children, Misses Belle and Blanche, and frank and Charles Reeves. The funeral will take place at 10 am tomorrow from the residence.


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